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Alex is my elder brother. He is six years senior to me. So he is 23 already. He has graduated from the University and he is an economist by profession now. Alex is married. His wife is a journalist. They are three in the family. They have got a child, my nephew. It is a lovely little boy of two with golden hair and dark brown eyes and a spirit that is always bright and happy, full of joy and gaiety. And finally a few words about my granny. To tell you the truth, she is my best friend. She always listens to my endless stories about my friends and my school life. She is retired on pension now but in her youth and her older age she worked as a teacher in a school. I must admit, she is a very understanding person. Вариант 4 Переведите на немецкий язык следующие лексические единицы. Составьте по одному предложению с каждой лексической единицей.
Напишите рассказ о своей семье. Переведите текст без словаря: First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Taras. I’m seventeen years old. I’m at 11-th grade. There are two more kids in the family besides me — my elder brother Oleg and my younger sister Marija. Oleg is twenty-one, he attends a University, he will be a dentist. Marija is only twelve, she is a schoolgirl. I forgot to mention one more member of our family. It’s our favourite poodle Tim My parents are not old at all. My Mum is forty, she works for a newspaper. My Dad is forty-four, he is an engineer in computers. My parents love their jobs very much. I’m doing quite well at school. My parents are proud of my marks. I go in for sports. I play basket-ball. In summer time I like yachting and windsurfing. I take part in different basket-ball competitions. In a year I shall finish my school and I have to decide what occupation to choose. I have been studying English for seven years. I want to be a military interpreter. My grandparents are already retired. They like gardening and spend all their time growing tomatoes, potatoes, onions, strawberries, raspberries. Критерии оценки Оценка «отлично» выставляется, если студент выполнил все задания, допустив не более двух грамматических ошибок, перевел лексические единицы близко к оригиналу, составил предложения с использованием лексики грамматически правильно, грамматически правильно составил текст о своей семье, применив лексику темы, перевел текст третьего задания близко к оригиналу. Оценка «хорошо» выставляется, если студент при выполнении заданий допустил от двух до четырех грамматических ошибок, либо не смог составить грамматически правильно предложения с использованием лексики по теме; составил текст про свою семью с нарушением структуры предложения; перевел текст не близко к оригиналу. Оценка «удовлетворительно» выставляется, если студент студент смог перевести только 50 – 60% лексических единиц, составил предложения с многочисленными недочетами, при составлении текста про свою семью допустил многочисленные ошибки; передал содержание текста далеко от оригинала. Оценка «неудовлетворительно» выставляется, если студент не смог перевести более 30% лексических единиц, не смог составить высказывание о своей семье или составил с многочисленными ошибками, не смог перевести текст. Аудиторная контрольная работа № 2 По учебной дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский язык) По разделу/теме «Мой рабочий день» Вариант 1 1. Ответьте на вопросы по теме: Wenn do you get up? Wenn do you go to the college? When do you have breakfast? When do you do your homework? When do you go to bed? 2. Составьте расписание своего рабочего дня на английском языке. 3. Переведите текст на русский язык: This is my last year at school, and I work hard to pass my final exams successfully. As I am very busy, I can’t help my parents much in keeping the house. But still I have some household duties. Every day I do my room and my bed, wash up dishes, dust the furniture and usually go to the baker’s after I haye dinner. I buy some brown and white bread, biscuits and cakes there. The shop is not far from our house and it doesn’t take me long to do everyday shopping. Once a week I help my mother to do all other work about the house. We wash our linen, iron and mend it, clean the flat. We beat the dust out of the carpets, vacuum the floors and polish them. It’s not difficult to keep the flat tidy if you do your rooms regularly. This is my usual round of duties.But sometimes I have some other things to do. When my mother is ill or away from home, I do the cooking and the washing up, the buying of food and the planning of meals. I am not a good cook, but my vegetable soup is always tasty. I can also boil an egg or fry some meat. I also lay the table and clear away the dishes. If I’m too busy or can’t do these things, all the duties are organized among other members of our family. Вариант 2 1. Ответьте на вопросы по теме: When do you get up in the morning? What do you have for breakfast? When do you leave your home? When does your study finish? What do you do in the evening? 2. Составьте расписание своего рабочего дня на английском языке. 3. Переведите текст на русский язык без словаря: As a rule, I get up at half past six. I put on my dressing-gown, go into bathroom and turn on the bath taps. Good health is better than wealth, so I do my morning exercises. I get breakfast at seven-thirty and listen to the news over the radio. I like to begin the day well, so my breakfast is always a good one. For breakfast I usually have hard-boiled eggs or an omelette, bread and butter, tea or coffee; I read my newspaper with my last cup of coffee before I leave home. Then, I say «Good-bye» to my mother, take my school-bag and go to school. I don’t live far from my school, so it doesn’t take me long to get there. The lessons start at half past eight. Each lesson lasts for 45 minutes. The classes are over at two o’clock. I come back home, have dinner, wash up and go shopping. I buy foodstuffs for the family. Coming back. I begin to clean the house and get the vegetables ready for supper. We have supper at seven. I do my homework for the next day. It usually takes me several hours to prepare well for the lessons. In the evening, I always try to spend at least an hour at the piano. As a rule my parents and I sit and talk, watch a film on TV, read newspapers and magazines. Sometimes, we go to the cinema or to the theatre. Once or twice a month, I visit exhibitions in my home town. I go to bed at about eleven o’clock, but my parents like to sit up late and write letters or read. Вариант 3 1. Ответьте на вопросы по теме: When do you get up in the morning? Do you go on foot or go with the bus? Where do you study? When does your working day start? What do you do in the morning? 2. Составьте расписание своего рабочего дня на английском языке. 3. Переведите текст на русский язык без словаря: When a school-girl I always envied those students who went to school five but not six days a week, as we did. So you may guess, I had the only day off — Sunday. On Sunday, I didn’t have to hurry anywhere, that’s why, I got up at nine or ten o’clock. I wasn’t an early riser. I did my bed, washed myself and went to the kitchen. In the kitchen the table had already been laid and I always had something tasty on Sunday: fried potatoes, meat salad or my favourite apple-pies. After breakfast, if the weather was sunny, I usually didn’t stay indoors, I went to see my friends. We often played volleyball or basket-ball in the yard and in winter if there was much snow out-of-doors we went skating and skiing in the woods. But sometimes the day happened to be rainy and gloomy. I preferred to be in watching TV, listening to music, reading books, speaking over the phone or just lying on the sofa idling away the time. Some of my classmates could watch all TV-programmes from morning till night, but I think it’s rather boring, and I always felt sorry for those TV-addicts. It’s much more interesting to play a game of chess with your grandfather, or help your mother about the house, or argue with your father about the latest events at home and abroad. In the evening, when all the family were together, we had some tea with a cake or biscuits, we listened to my younger sister playing the piano, sometimes we sang folk songs. Every Sunday, when I went to bed, I was thinking that the day had flashed past and the next week would bring new problems and their solution. Вариант 4 1. Ответьте на вопросы по теме: What time do you get up? How many meals have you got a day? How many hours do you spend at the college? Do you visit library? When do you go home? 2. Составьте расписание своего рабочего дня на английском языке. 3. Переведите текст на русский язык без словаря: I get up at a quarter to seven. I jump out of bed, switch on the radio and do my morning exercises to the radio music. Then I go to the bathroom, wash myself and clean my teeth with a tooth-brush. This does not take me much time, not more than ten or fifteen minutes. Then I dress and sit down to table to have my breakfast. As I cannot get home for lunch, I take it at the dining-room of our technical school.For lunch I have meat or fish with potatoes and a cup of strong tea or coffee with a pie. At ten minutes to three the lessons are over, and I go home. When I get home from the technical school, I have dinner. My dinner usually consists of three courses. For the first course I have some soup, then some meat or fish. For dessert I have stewed fruit or ice-cream. After dinner I help my mother to wash up the dishes. Then I do my lessons. This usually takes me about two hours. At eight or nine o’clock I have supper. I have some salad, a slice of sausage and bread, sour milk or cereal. In the evening I listen to the radio or watch TV. If the programme is not interesting, I go to the cinema or to the theatre. Sometimes, I go for a walk with my friends. We talk about different things and usually have a good time. At 11 o’clock I go to bed. Критерии оценки Оценка «отлично» выставляется, если студент выполнил все задания, допустив не более двух грамматических ошибок, грамматически правильно ответил на вопросы, грамматически правильно составил предложения при составлении своего распорядка дня, применив лексику темы, перевел текст третьего задания близко к оригиналу. Оценка «хорошо» выставляется, если студент при выполнении заданий допустил от двух до четырех грамматических ошибок, либо не смог ответить правильно на вопросы по теме; составил распорядок дня с нарушением структуры предложения; перевел текст не близко к оригиналу. Оценка «удовлетворительно» выставляется, если студент смог ответить не более, чем на 3 вопроса правильно, составил распорядок своего дня с многочисленными недочетами; передал содержание текста далеко от оригинала. Оценка «неудовлетворительно» выставляется, если студент не смог ответить на вопросы, не смог составить распорядок дня или составил с многочисленными ошибками, не смог перевести текст.Пожалуйста, подождите Аудиторная контрольная работа № 3 По учебной дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский язык) По разделу/теме «Речевой этикет» Вариант 1 1.Вспомните, какие фразы Вы можете употребить при встрече, расставании, при поздравлении с Днем Рождения. Составьте диалог, используя данную лексику.(не менее 8 реплик) 2.Переведите лексические единицы и назовите синонимы:
3. Переведите диалоги без словаря: Visitor (to secretary): I'd like to speak to Mr. Emerson. Secretary: Will you give me your card, please (He does so).. Secretary (to manager): There's a young man to see you, Sir. Manager: Show him in, Miss Grey. Jane: Hello, Betty! Betty: Oh, hello, Jane! It's lovely to see you! Come in! Jane: Thank you. I'm glad you're at home. Is your mother in? Betty: No, mummy's out. She and daddy are at auntie Margaret. But do come in and sit down. Вариант 2 Вспомните, какие фразы Вы можете употребить при встрече, выражая сожаление, при выражении просьбы.благодарности. Составьте диалог, используя данную лексику.(не менее 8 реплик) Переведите лексические единицы и назовите синонимы:
Переведите диалоги без словаря: Mrs Brown (to clerk): Good afternoon, Mr Hunn. Clerk: Good afternoon, Mrs Brown. How are you? Mrs Brown: Quite well, thank you. Clerk: What can I do for you today, Mrs Brown? Mrs Brown: I want to cash this cheque, please. Secretary: Good morning, sir. Visitor: Good morning. Is Mr Carter in? Secretary: Yes, may I ask your name? Visitor: Mr Black. Here's my card. Secretary: Won't you sit down. I'll let him know you are here the moment he's free. Visitor: Thank you. Вариант 3 Вспомните, какие фразы Вы можете употребить при встрече, выражая вежливую просьбу, желание. Составьте диалог, используя данную лексику.(не менее 8 реплик) Переведите лексические единицы и назовите синонимы:
Переведите диалоги без словаря: A: Excuse me. How can I get to the National Gallery? Shall I take this road? B: Take this road. A: I is it far from here? B: Yes, it's quite a distance. A: How far is it? B: I should say about … eight blocks. A: Can I get there in about ten minutes? B: It'll take longer than that. A: Thank you very much. B: Not at all. Вариант 4 Вспомните, какие фразы Вы можете употребить при встрече, выражая вежливую просьбу, желание. Составьте диалог, используя данную лексику.(не менее 8 реплик) Переведите лексические единицы и назовите синонимы:
Переведите диалоги без словаря: Jane: Hello, Betty! Betty: Oh, hello, Jane! It's lovely to see you! Come in! Jane: Thank you. I'm glad you're at home. Is your mother in? Betty: No, mummy's out. She and daddy are at auntie Margaret. But do come in and sit down. Mrs Brown (to clerk): Good afternoon, Mr Hunn. Clerk: Good afternoon, Mrs Brown. How are you? Mrs Brown: Quite well, thank you. Clerk: What can I do for you today, Mrs Brown? Mrs Brown: I want to cash this cheque, please. Критерии оценки Оценка «отлично» выставляется, если студент выполнил все задания, допустив не более двух грамматических ошибок, перевел лексические единицы и дал их синонимы, составил диалог с использованием лексики грамматически правильно, перевел текст третьего задания близко к оригиналу. Оценка «хорошо» выставляется, если студент при выполнении заданий допустил от двух до четырех грамматических ошибок, либо не смог перевести две или три лексические единицы, не написав их синонимы составил диалог с нарушением структуры предложения; перевел диалог далеко от оригинала. Оценка «удовлетворительно» выставляется, если студент смог перевести только 50 – 60% лексических единиц, написал менее трех синонимов, при составлении диалога допустил многочисленные ошибки; передал содержание диалога далеко от оригинала. Оценка «неудовлетворительно» выставляется, если студент не смог перевести более 30% лексических единиц, не смог вспомнить синонимичные лексические единицы, составил диалог с многочисленными ошибками, не смог перевести последнее задание. Аудиторная контрольная работа № 4 По учебной дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский язык) По разделу/теме «Ресторан» Вариант 1 1.Переведите лексические единицы на русский язык: Lamb , lamb chops, Lamb’s brain, Pork, Pork sausages, pork chop, Pig’s kidney, Pig’s blood A leg of pork, Beef , Stewing beef / steak, A fillet of beef, Sausage, Mutton, A shoulder of mutton, Veal, Veal cutlets, A shoulder of veal, Calf’s heart, Calf’s foot, Sheep’s head,Venison 2. Составьте комплексное меню ресторана на один день. 3. Переведите диалог на русский язык: At the Restaurant Waiter: Good evening, sir. Welcome to The Knight's Asylum. What can I do for you? Have you booked the table? Mr. Berton: Yes. I phoned you yesterday evening. The name is Berton. Waiter: Yes, sir. Are you alone? (Looking down the list before him). Oh, no, excuse me, the table for two. Mr. Berton: My wife will be here fairly soon. Waiter: Here you are, please. Would you like this table? Mr. Berton: Oh, no. My wife is fond of sitting by the window and staring at the passers-by. Waiter: This way, sir. It's the right place for your wife. Mr. Berton: Well, thank you. It seems pretty... for my wife. Not for me, I mean. But the view is wonderful. Mrs.Berton: Peter! (A middle-aged perfectly dressed woman is coming to Mr. Berton). I'm sorry, I'm late. Mr. Berton: Better late than never. Mrs. Berton: Please, don't grumble! I've just visited my hairdresser. Besides ladies have the right to be late. Gentlemen —never! Mr. Berton: Yes, you're right. Do you like the place? Mrs. Berton: Oh, I'm awfully pleased! Вариант 2 Переведите лексические единицы на русский язык: Food , Service, Stores, Grocery, Drinking, Preparation, Establishments, Restaurant, Training, Employees, Items, Order, Cooks, Customers, Serving, Prepare, Chef, Sales, Cashier, Orders Stock, Offer, Dining, Hour, Inventory, Waiters, Waitresses, Eating, Section, Kitchen, Menu 2.Составьте комплексное меню ресторана на один день. 3. Переведите диалог на русский язык без словаря: Waiter: Here's the menu. What would you like to start with, madam? Mrs. Berton: Wait a minute. Er... It's funny enough, but I'm hungry as a bear. And the dishes in your menu look so appetizing... Well, I'd like to begin with baked mushrooms and melon. Waiter: And you, sir? Mr. Berton: As for me, I would like to begin with something more interesting. What can you say about your steaks? Waiter: Oh, they're really delicious today! What vegetables would you like with the steaks? Fried tomatoes with spiced sour-cream, cauliflower or French beans? Mr. Berton: So, two steaks with fried tomatoes. I prefer steaks well done. What else? A nice portion of roast potatoes. Mrs. Berton: Waiter, the same for me, please. Mr. Berton: And what about your diet, dear? Mrs. Berton: Let's forget about it! Вариант 3 1.Переведите лексические единицы на русский язык: Convenience, Prepared, Provide, Beverages, Fillers, Foods, Meat, Serve, Variety, Chain Culinary, Customer, Line, Staff , Alcoholic, meal,big / heavy, light / small meal, to have a meal Waiter, tip,to pay the bill, dine ,dessert, Menu, the second course, taste, beverage, Service, Store 2.Составьте комплексное меню ресторана на один день. 3. Переведите диалог на русский язык: A: Shall we have a look at the menu? I’m so hungry. B: Yeah, OK. Boy, there are a few things here that I don’t understand. C: There’s a lot of this stuff I don’t understand. What’s all this then? A: Well, what about the starters? Hey, do you know what «prawns» are? B: Appetisers. A: Appetisers, oh. «Prawns» are what? B: They are like large shrimps. C: Oh, they’re delicious with avocado. A: Really? Mind you, I like the sound of «melon and orange salad». B: Hey, hey, look at the main courses. What is «Lancashire hotpot»? C: I’ve heard of that. That’s sort of lamb and vegetables cooked in the oven sort of broiled and the potatoes are sliced on top and put in a layer. It’s delicious. A: It sounds good. And what’s this one: «steak and kidney pie», do you know what this is? B: Yeah, that now is a typical English dish – it’s made of beef which is cut up into pieces along with pieces of kidney in a rich brown sauce. It’s lovely. Вариант 4 Переведите лексические единицы на русский язык: Convenience, Prepared, Provide, Beverages, Fillers, Foods, Meat, Serve, Variety, Chain Employees, Items, Order, Cooks, Customers, Serving, Prepare, Chef, Sales, Cashier, Orders Stock, Offer, Dining, Hour, Inventory, Waiters, Waitresses, Eating, Section, Kitchen, Menu 2.Составьте комплексное меню ресторана на один день. 3. Переведите диалог на русский язык: GEOGE: Hmmm, there’s not much on the menu here. The beef-kabob sounds good, though. BECKY: Yes, it does, but I think I’m just going to have a sandwich today. Maybe even half of one. WAITRESS: Are you ready to order? GEOGE: Yes, I think so. WAITRESS: Do you want that on separate checks? GEOGE: Oh, no, one’ll be fine. It’s on me today, Becky. BECKY: Well – thanks, George. I’ll treat you next time. Uh, I’ll take half a French dip sandwich – go easy on the mayo – and I’ll have a cup of coffee with cream. GEOGE: And I’ll have the beef-kabob. WAITRESS: Okay. Anything to drink? GEOGE: What kind of beer do you have? WAITRESS: We have Schlitz on tap, and Lowenbrau, Budweiser, and Michelob in bottles. GEOGE: A glass of Schlitz, please. WAITRESS: Okay, and what kind of dressing would you like on your salad, ma’am? We have French, Thousand Island and blue cheese. BECKY: Blue cheese’ll be fine. WAITRESS: Okay, thank you. Критерии оценки: Оценка «отлично» выставляется, если студент выполнил все задания, допустив не более двух грамматических ошибок, правильно перевел лексические единицы, составил меню ресторана на один день без ошибок и в полном объеме, перевел диалог на русский язык близко к оригиналу. Оценка «хорошо» выставляется, если студент при выполнении заданий допустил от двух до четырех грамматических ошибок, не смог перевести от двух до четырех лексические единиц; составил меню ресторана с ошибками, перевел текст с отступлениями от оригинала. Оценка «удовлетворительно» выставляется, если студент смог перевести не более половины лексических единиц правильно, составил меню с многочисленными ошибками, перевел текст далеко от оригинала. Оценка «неудовлетворительно» выставляется, если студент не смог перевести лексические единицы, не смог составить меню или составил с многочисленными ошибками, не смог перевести текст. Аудиторная контрольная работа № 5 По учебной дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский язык) По разделу/теме «Предприятие, продукция, услуги» Вариант 1 Переведите лексику по теме:
Переведите диалог на русский язык: Thank you for coming to the meeting today, Mr Gilder. My pleasure, Ms Adams. Now, what problems are we having around here? Well, unfortunately, we're having a number of problems with our clients in Holland. They usually pay on time. I don't understand ... Yes, you're right. They ARE excellent clients. Unfortunately, they aren't pleased with the merchandise we are sending them. How can that be? We always provide first class products. I know, however they aren't happy. They say they are meeting with a new manufacturer next week. Nonsense, and what are we doing to change things? Well, that's the reason for our meeting today. I'd like to make a few suggestions. I'm listening ... Why don't we change suppliers? Is that the problem? Let's take a look at some of the suppliers in the area. I'm sure we can find a better one. OK, what other suggestions have you got? Shall we invite them to meet with us? That's an excellent idea. It'll show them our concern. OK, I'll arrange a meeting. Thank you Mr Gilder. No, thank you Ms Adams. 3. Вы проходите собеседование. Дайте информацию о себе: The Summary: Your name: Your surname: Age: Address: Marital status: Skills: Experience: Tell me about yourself: How long do you search a job? Why did you resign from previous job? What do you interest in the job of our company? Do you engage in the sport? What do you expect the payment? What did you have the responsibilities on the previous job? Вариант 2 Переведите лексику по теме:
Переведите диалог на русский язык: Can you tell me a little bit about your current job? Certainly. What would you like to know? First of all, what do you work as? I work as a computer technician at Schuller's and Co. What do your responsibilities include? I'm responsible for systems administration and in-house programming. What sort of problems do you deal with on a day-to-do basis? Oh, there are always lots of small system glitches. I also provide information on a need-to-know basis for employees. What else does your job involve? Well, as I said, for part of my job I have to develop in-house programs for special company tasks. Do you have to produce any reports? No, I just have to make sure that everything is in good working order. Do you ever attend meetings? Yes, I attend organizational meetings at the end of the month. Thanks for all the information, Peter. It sounds like you have an interesting job. Yes, it's very interesting, but stressful, too! 3. Вы проходите собеседование. Дайте информацию о себе: The Summary: Your name: Your surname: Age: Address: Marital status: Skills: Experience: Tell me about yourself: How long do you search a job? Why did you resign from previous job? What do you interest in the job of our company? Do you engage in the sport? What do you expect the payment? What did you have the responsibilities on the previous job? Вариант 3 Переведите лексику по теме:
Переведите текст на русский язык: We're having a meeting tomorrow. Can you make it? When is it taking place? We're planning on 10 o'clock. Is that OK? Yes, that'll be fine. We're going to go over last quarter's sales figures. Good. I have some input I'd like to make. Frank is also going to make some suggestions on improving the bottom line. That'll be interesting. He's got keen insights. Yes, he's going to outline some new sales strategies. Is Alan attending? No, he's flying to San Francisco and won't be able to make it. Oh well, maybe He'll phone in. 3. Вы проходите собеседование. Дайте информацию о себе: The Summary: Your name: Your surname: Age: Address: Marital status: Skills: Experience: Tell me about yourself: How long do you search a job? Why did you resign from previous job? What do you interest in the job of our company? Do you engage in the sport? What do you expect the payment? What did you have the responsibilities on the previous job? Вариант 4 Переведите лексику по теме:
Переведите диалог на русский язык: Can you tell me a little bit about your current job? Certainly What would you like to know? First of all, what do you work as? I work as a computer technician at Schuller's and Co. What do your responsibilities include? I'm responsible for systems administration and in-house programming. What sort of problems do you deal with on a day-to-do basis? Oh, there are always lots of small system glitches. I also provide information on a need-to-know basis for employees. What else does your job involve? Well, as I said, for part of my job I have to develop in-house programs for special company tasks. Do you have to produce any reports? No, I just have to make sure that everything is in good working order. Do you ever attend meetings? Yes, I attend organizational meetings at the end of the month. Thanks for all the information, Peter. It sounds like you have an interesting job. Yes, it's very interesting, but stressful, too! 3.Вы проходите собеседование. Дайте информацию о себе: The Summary: Your name: Your surname: Age: Address: Marital status: Skills: Experience: Tell me about yourself: How long do you search a job? Why did you resign from previous job? What do you interest in the job of our company? Do you engage in the sport? What do you expect the payment? What did you have the responsibilities on the previous job? Критерии оценки Оценка «отлично» выставляется, если студент выполнил все задания, допустив не более двух грамматических ошибок, перевел лексические единицы точно, перевел диалог близко к оригиналу, дал правильные ответы на вопросы третьего задания. Оценка «хорошо» выставляется, если студент при выполнении заданий допустил от двух до четырех грамматических ошибок, перевел не более 70 процентов лексических единиц правильно. Перевел диалог отклонениями от содержания, ответил на вопросы третьего задания с ошибками. Оценка «удовлетворительно» выставляется, если студент смог перевести не более 50 – 60% лексических единиц, перевел диалог далеко от оригинала, не смог ответить на вопросы собеседования. Оценка «неудовлетворительно» выставляется, если студент не смог перевести более 70% лексических единиц, не смог перевести диалог, не смог дать ответы на вопросы третьего задания. Аудиторная контрольная работа № 6 По учебной дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский язык) По разделу/теме «Экономические и географические особенности стран изучаемого языка» Вариант 1 1. Опишите экономическое положение Великобритании. 2. Вы проходите собеседование. Дайте информацию о себе: The basis of the US economy The American economy is described as a free enterprise system, which allows private business the freedom to operate for profit with minimum government regulation. The theoretical foundation of the American economic system was provided by Adam Smith whose economic ideas of so called "laissez-faireї" or free competition influenced the development of capitalism. From his standpoint the more people manufacture and trade the greater the competition. Competition benefits society by allowing the consumer to search for the best available product at the lowest price. Thus market forces, which Smith termed the invisible hands, control the allocation of goods while each participant in the market is seeking for his own self-interest. Throughout the nineteen century market operated with a minimum government regulations. Since the 1930-s American capitalism has undergone a radical change. Although private enterprises flourish, government regulation now exists in many areas of business ranging from product safety to labor conditions. Political conservatives complain of too much government regulation while the liberals are out for the enhance of government role in business and economy. The country’s reliance on private initiative and enterprise has produced imdivssive growth. The USA today is a leading economic power with a high standard of living and enormous productivity in industry and agriculture. It is the most affluent nation in the world.60% of all families and individuals are in the middle-income or high-income rank. 3. Ответьте на вопросы: What plays an important role in the US economy? Which resources the USA riches? What part of the world's corn the agricultural sector produces. Which are the other important sectors? What are the four main factors governing production? Вариант 2 1. Опишите политическое положение Великобритании. 2. Переведите текст на русский язык: Agriculture Technological advancement has accelerated changes in American agriculture. Farming is highly mechanized and commercialized, but at the same time it requires much investment. In productive terms the achievements of this sector of the economy are extraordinary. U. S. farmers produce enough food for domestic consumption and still supply 15% of the world’s food need. It should be noted that in the past 30 years agricultural lands have been concentrated in fewer and fewer hands as a result of the fact that large-scale specialized farms replaces small family farms. However high efficiency and productivity of American agriculture has its negative side. On the one hand farming has become too productive to be profitable to many American farmers. Low crop prices, which have resulted from overproduction, often do not bring farmers enough income to live on. Another difficulty an American farmer faces is the decline of agricultural exports. The situation nowadays is that the share of the U. S. crops on the world’s market is shrinking while the shares of the European community expand. Ответьте на вопросы: - Where is the USA located? What countries does the USA border on? Where are three main mountain ranges located? What are the main rivers in the USA? Where is the region of five great lakes? Name all the lakes. What climatic zones can be found in the USA? What mineral resources are there in the USA? Вариант 3 1. Опишите экономическое положение Америки. 2. Переведите диалог на русский язык: The basis of the US economy The American economy is described as a free enterprise system, which allows private business the freedom to operate for profit with minimum government regulation. The theoretical foundation of the American economic system was provided by Adam Smith whose economic ideas of so called "laissez-faireї" or free competition influenced the development of capitalism. From his standpoint the more people manufacture and trade the greater the competition. Competition benefits society by allowing the consumer to search for the best available product at the lowest price. Thus market forces, which Smith termed the invisible hands, control the allocation of goods while each participant in the market is seeking for his own self-interest. Throughout the nineteen century market operated with a minimum government regulations. Since the 1930-s American capitalism has undergone a radical change. Although private enterprises flourishes, government regulation now exists in many areas of business ranging from product safety to labor conditions. Political conservatives complain of too much government regulation while the liberals are out for the enhance of government role in business and economy. The country’s reliance on private initiative and enterprise has produced imdivssive growth. The USA today is a leading economic power with a high standard of living and enormous productivity in industry and agriculture. It is the most affluent nation in the world.60% of all families and individuals are in the middle-income or high-income rank. 3. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What plays an important role in the US economy? 2. Which resources the USA riches? 3. What part of the world's corn the agricultural sector produces. 4. Which are the other important sectors? 5. What are the four main factors governing production? Вариант 4 1. Опишите политическое положение Америки. 2. Переведите текст: It is common knowledge that the USA is the leading economic power. This fact can be confirmed. The status of the dollar as the world’s chief international currency. The dollar until recently(until the time of emission of the EURO) is used for most international trading. But the divest times dollar shares with the EURO its status of the international currency which points to the declining of the US economic power. However high volatility of the American dollar continue to create instability on the world-wide trade markets. The balance of trade. As I said before The USA has experienced massive trade deficit. This trade imbalance has promoted growth in the rest of the world; other countries were able to sell more of their products to the United States, and these sales have provided them with export benefits. While the U. S. trade deficit has benefited foreign economies, it has created severe distress for the American economy. As a leading producer and exporter of technology the USA contributes to the worldwide economic growth. It exports more machinery and invests more money in technological research than any other country. Foreign investment. American businesses and industries operate all over the world. American investment boosts of other economies by providing them employment, technology and new products. 3.Ответьте на вопросы: - Where is the USA located? - What countries does the USA border on? - Where are three main mountain ranges located? - What are the main rivers in the USA? - Where is the region of five great lakes? Name all the lakes. - What climatic zones can be found in the USA? - What mineral resources are there in the USA? Критерии оценки Оценка «отлично» выставляется, если студент выполнил все задания, допустив не более двух грамматических ошибок, смог раскрыть страноведческую первого задания, перевести текст близко к оригиналу, ответить на вопросы по теме. Оценка «хорошо» выставляется, если студент при выполнении заданий допустил от двух до четырех грамматических ошибок, составил предложения по страноведческой теме с недочетами, при переводе допустил незначительные ошибки, ответил на вопросы по теме с незначительными ошибками. Оценка «удовлетворительно» выставляется, если студент смог передать только отдельные факты при выполнении страноведческого задания, перевел только основную мысль текста, дал ответы на вопросы по теме с многочисленными ошибками. Оценка «неудовлетворительно» выставляется, если студент не справился с двумя или более заданиями.Пожалуйста, подождите Аудиторная контрольная работа №7 По учебной дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский язык) По разделу/теме «Запрос, предложение, заказ» Вариант 1 1.Переведите деловое письмо на русский язык: Baisy Clifford 3400 Chelsey Road Quantico, FU 78451 Stenley Brothers 6539 71th Street Los Angeles, LA 84733 27th January, 2005 Dear Sir, We have seen your advertisement in the Business Weekly Journal, and we shall appreciate it if you will send us more detailed description of your cameras. We should also like to know the discounts that you provide. Our company specializes in distributing cameras in Italy. For your information we may add that our company was established five years ago. If your goods meet our requirements, and we receive a favourable offer, we will be able to represent your cameras in Eatsern Europe. We are looking forward to your reply. Yours faithfully, R.Stenley Export-Import Manager 2.Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию письма: Wer ist der Autor des Briefes? Wie gross kann Gewinn sein? Am welchen Tage wird Lotterie gespielt? 3. Напишите короткий ответ на письмо на английском языке. Вариант 2 Переведите деловое письмо на русский язык: Dear Ms Fisher Further to our conversation at Great Outdoors Exhibition, I am happy to send you our brochure and a price list for our products and a free sample of the Tracker. With Christmas approaching, our products are ideal presents for a climbers or walkers and they will be happy to have them.Unfortunately, we can’t agree to Foxton’s being sole stockists for region. However, we would be prepared to offer you a sole agency for towns where Foxton’s have branches. We can offer you a complimentary video too. I look forward to hearing what you think in the near future. I would welcome the opportunity of meeting you in person when you will be in Manchester next week at a time which will be convenient for you. Once again, thank you for your interest in Foxton’s products. Yours sincerely Julian Gray Sales Manager Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию делового письма: Who writes this letter? What ist he main purpose of this letter? What does Mr.Gray sell? Напишите короткий ответ на письмо. Вариант 3 Переведите письмо на русский язык: Dear Mr Boswell Further to our telephone conversation this morning, I have pleasure in enclosing our brochure and a price list for Jaylon products and a complimentary sample of the Shrieker alarm for your inspection. Here at Jaylon, we think that you have to here it to believe it! The Shrieker’s loud warning signal and use of everlasting solar-power batteries set it apart from rival products. With winter approaching, responsible people are more aware of the dangers of fire in the home and they will be looking for a product like the Shrieker to give them peace of mind. Unfortunately, we are unable to consider your request for sale or return on this product. However, we would be prepared to offer you a substantial discount on a large order. I look forward to hearing your views in the near future. I would welcome the opportunity of meeting you in person at a time which is convenient for you. Once again, thank you for your interest in Jaylon products. Yours sincerely Julian Gray Sales Manager Ответьте на вопросы по письму: Who is an auther of the letter? What does the company sell?? Is any discount offered? 3.Напишите краткий ответ на письмо. Вариант 4 Переведите письмо на русский язык: The Western Shoe Co.Ltd. Yeovil, Somerset S19 3AF England Dear Sirs We have heard from the British Embassy in Paris that you are producing for export hand-made shoes and gloves in natural materials. There is a steady demand in France for high-quality goods of this type. Sales are not high, but a good price can be obtained for fashionable designs. Will you please send us your catalogue and full details of your export prices and terms of payment, together with samples of leathers used in your articles and, if possible, specimens of some of the articles themselves. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully FOURNIER ET CIE SA J. du Pont Managing Director Ответьте на вопросы по деловому письму: Where has this firm learn goods of this firm ? What is design of these goods? What are terms of payment? Напишите краткий ответ на письмо. Критерии оценки Оценка «отлично» выставляется, если студент выполнил все задания, допустив не более двух грамматических ошибок, перевел письмо близко к оригиналу. Ответил правильно на вопросы по тексту, составил ответ лексически и грамматически правильно. Оценка «хорошо» выставляется, если студент при выполнении заданий допустил от двух до четырех грамматических ошибок, перевел письмо не дословно, допустил незначительные недочеты при ответе на вопросы, допустил ошибки при составлении ответа на письмо. Оценка «удовлетворительно» выставляется, если студент смог перевести лишь основное содержание письма, ответил на вопросы с грубыми ошибками, при составлении письма – ответа допустил большое количество ошибок. Оценка «неудовлетворительно» выставляется, если студент перевести деловое письмо, не смог ответить на вопросы по письму, не смог составить ответное письмо. Аудиторная контрольная работа №8 По учебной дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский язык) По разделу/теме «Поставки, претензии» Вариант 1 Переведите текст на русский язык: CLAIMS The claims may be made for the quality and quantity of the goods if they do not conform to the quality or quantity stipulated in the Present Contract. The BUYER has the right to claim on the SELLER in respect of the quality within ____ months and in respect of the quantity within three months form the date of delivery. The claims should contain the quantity and the name of the claimed goods as well as the nature for the claim. The claims should be forwarded by a registered letter enclosing all the necessary documents justifying the claim including act of competent neutral organization. The SELLER has the right to inspect at the place of delivery the correctness of the claim by his representative. On expiration of the above mentioned period no claims will be accepted. No claims put forward in respect of any consignment of the goods can be used by the BUYER as a reason for his refusal to accept all other goods to be delivered under the Present Contract and to pay for them. 2. Переведите фразы на русский язык: We wish to place on record the company's extreme displeasure at… We insist that the problems we experienced were due to your negligence, not ours. We wish to emphasize that we are holding you fully responsible for non delivery of the cargo in question. We have inspected the damaged machine and we submit you below a description of the damage. As you probably aware we have been experiencing a considerable inconvenience due to wrong material being delivered to our customers. This is the third time this mistake has occurred and we are far from satisfied with the service you offer. 3.Составьте письмо – претензию, содержащее данные фразы Вариант 2 1. Переведите текст на русский язык: CLAIMS Claims in respect of the quantity in case of shortage inside the case may be submitted by the Buyers to the Sellers not later than 90 days and in respect of the quality of the goods in case of non-conformity of same to than stipulated by the contract not later than 180 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination. Contents and ground of the claim should be certified either by Expert's Report or by a Report made up with the participation of a representative of an uninterested competent organization.The Sellers should consider the received claim within 45 days counting the date of its receipt. In case of no reply from the Sellers after expiration of the said date, the claim will be considered as admitted by the Sellers. 2.Переведите фразы на русский язык: The mistake must be corrected as soon as possible. There seems to be some misunderstanding regarding terms of discount. Our specialists have determined that the shipment was five boxes short. We are afraid there is no room for compromise as far as this order is concerned. We look forward to an early settlement of our claim for the full amount of… We must point out that unless you settle the claim in full you leave us with no alternative, but to place the matter in the hands of our solicitors. Please ensure that this sort of problem does not arise again. We regret that unless we hear from you by return we will be obliged to cancel the order. 3.Составьте письмо – претензию, содержащее данные фразы Вариант 3 Переведите текст на русский язык: CLAIMS In case of shortage while packing being intact or in case of nonconformity of the quality of the goods to the sample the. Buyer has the right to claim on the Seller within 180 days on the arrival of the goods in _______. The Parties agreed that the Inspection Report drawn up by _______ Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Moscow, will prove the claim. The Seller is to be examine the claim within 15 days. Should the Seller fail to send a reply on expiration of the said period, the claim will be considered as admitted by the Seller. While claiming for an inferior quantity of the foods the Buyers is entitled wither for price reduction or to return the faulty goods to the Seller. 2. Переведите фразы на русский язык: We wish to place on record the company's extreme displeasure at… We insist that the problems we experienced were due to your negligence, not ours. We wish to emphasize that we are holding you fully responsible for non delivery of the cargo in question. We have inspected the damaged machine and we submit you below a description of the damage. As you probably aware we have been experiencing a considerable inconvenience due to wrong material being delivered to our customers. This is the third time this mistake has occurred and we are far from satisfied with the service you offer. 3. Составьте письмо – претензию, содержащее данные фразы Вариант 4 1. Переведите текст на русский язык: Claims concerning quantity, and quality of the goods should be presented by the BUYER'S to the Sellers within 30 days from the date of arrival of the goods at the BUYER'S port of destination. In case the Buyers fail to submit the claim within the above mentioned period they have no right to submit the case to arbitration Claims concerning quantity are to be certified by Certificate of Weight and Weight Note enclosed to the above Certificate, issued by sworn weighers for each Bill of Lading lot. Claims in respect of quality are to be certifies by a Test Report of a skilled neutral organization. In the Certificate of Weight and in the Weight Note as well as in the Test Report there is to be stated number of drums/cases gross and net weight. The Sellers are to consider the claim only if the above mentioned date are stipulated in the Certificate of Weight and in the Weight Note as well as in the Test Report. The Weight Note shall also include the heat (lot) number of each bundle received and reweighted. 2. Переведите фразы на русский язык: The mistake must be corrected as soon as possible. There seems to be some misunderstanding regarding terms of discount. Our specialists have determined that the shipment was five boxes short. We are afraid there is no room for compromise as far as this order is concerned. We look forward to an early settlement of our claim for the full amount of… We must point out that unless you settle the claim in full you leave us with no alternative, but to place the matter in the hands of our solicitors. Please ensure that this sort of problem does not arise again. We regret that unless we hear from you by return we will be obliged to cancel the order. 3.Составьте письмо – претензию, содержащее данные фразы Критерии оценки Оценка «отлично» выставляется, если студент выполнил все задания, допустив не более двух грамматических ошибок, перевел фразы делового письма, перевел текст близко к оригиналу, правильно составил письмо – претензию. Оценка «хорошо» выставляется, если студент при выполнении заданий допустил от двух до четырех грамматических ошибок, смог перевести не более 80 процентов фраз, при составлении письма и переводе текста допустил незначительные ошибки. Оценка «удовлетворительно» выставляется, если студент смог перевести не более 50 процентов фраз, при составлении письма и переводе текста смог передать лишь отрывочную информацию Оценка «неудовлетворительно» выставляется, если студент не справился с двумя или более заданиями.Пожалуйста, подождите |
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Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности... Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности 19. 02. 08 Технология мяса и мясных продуктов (базовая... |
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Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности... Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности 19. 02. 08 Технология мяса и мясных продуктов (базовая... |
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Российской Федерации Министерство здравоохранения Забайкальского... Методические указания предназначены для студентов специальности среднего профессионального образования 40. 02. 01. Право и организация... |
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Программа производственной практики является частью программы подготовки... Место производственной практики в структуре программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена: производственная практика входит в... |
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Программа государственной итоговой аттестации Целью гиа является установление соответствия результатов освоения студентами образовательной программы среднего профессионального... |
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Рабочая программа учебной дисциплины является частью примерной основной... Автономная некоммерческая образовательная организация среднего профессионального образования |
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Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена разработана в соответствии... Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена разработана в соответствии с требованиями фгос 3 по специальности спо 43. 02. 01... |
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Рабочая программа профессионального модуля пм. 01 Организация и управление... Фгос) и программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) по специальности 38. 02. 04 Коммерция (по отраслям), утвержденного... |
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Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) специальности... Программа подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ппссз) специальности 11. 02. 08 Средства связи с подвижными объектами |
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Отчет о самообследовании программы подготовки специалистов среднего... Отчет о самообследовании программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена по специальности 38. 02. 04 «Коммерция (по отраслям)»,... |
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