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Offer(1) предлагать конкретное - помощь, деньги, план, чай, шанс, продвижение по работе, действие, которое можно выполнить самому suggest (2) – что- то абстрактное, мысль, идею1) The manager (2) that the project should be changed. 2) Who ( 2) the ideas? 3) She (1) to pack the things. 4) It seemed that life had nothing t (1) her. 5) He (1) me a cigarette. 6) The hotel (1) superior comfort for reasonable prices. 7) How much did he (1) for the car? 8) (1) her a cup of tea. 9) He didn`t (1.2) any explanation and the matter rested at that. 10) This is my plan. What do you (2)? 4) Изучите употребление данных синонимов. К какому типу они относятся? Lazy, Idle, Indolent: The words mean "not active", "not in use or operation", "doing nothing". Lazy - can be used without implying reproach or condemnation, e.g. lazy afternoon, the boy is too lazy to learn, I'm looking for a helper who is not incurably lazy. Idle - suggests temporary inactivity or doing nothing through necessity, and hence carries no implication of faultfinding; e.g. The machines are idle during the noon hour Because supplies did not arrive that day, the work crew was idle for seven hours. Indolent - is applied to someone who not only avoids effort but likes to indulge in relaxation. E.g. John was a contented, indolent fisherman. Selling from door to door is no occupation for an indolent person. Home. House These words identify any kind of shelter that serves as the residence of a person, family or household. House lacks the associated meanings attributed to home, a term that suggests comfort, peace, love and family ties. It may be said that what a builder erects is a house which, when lived in, becomes a home. Such a statement may be considered sentimental, echoing the lines of Edgar A. Guest ("It takes a heap v'livin' in a house t' make it home). Sentiment or not, one usually speaks of "buying home" and "selling a house". But firemen put out a fire in a house, not a home, and reference is always made to a house and let; not a home and let. Conversely, one usually refers to a home for the aged, not a house for the aged. 5) Переведите предложения, к какому стилю относятся подчеркнутые слова? Замените их нейтральными синонимами, написанными после предложений курсивом. 1. Their discourse was interrupted. 2. He was dressed like a toff. 3. She passed away. 4. The old man kicked the bucket. 5. Where is Daddy ? 6. Meet my better half. 7. Come down to brass tacks. 8 Jack took his departure. 9 Somebody has nailed my bag. 10. This is a case for a vet 11. He is a joiner. A doctor(10), to steal (9), to leave(8), come to the point(7), a wife (6), a father(5), to die(.3/4), talk (1), a gentleman(2), good company.(11) Практическое занятие по разделу 4 теме 4.2 «Антонимы» Дайте антонимы следующих слов, определите тип антонимов (см. лекцию). Alert, discord, amity, alive, active, post – meridian, ugly, appearance, courage, attentive, descend, safety, consistent, aware, benefactor, convenient, competent, continue, preceding, correct, sufficient, frequent, distinct, expensive, afterthought, hostile, faithful, wet, enemy, employed, legal, improper, order, polite, rational, post – war, painful. 2)Измените следующие предложения на предложения с противоположным смыслом, измените слова, выделенные курсивом на антонимы. Установите, являются ли антонимы полярными или деривационными. 1) All the seats were occupied. 2) He always wore striped shirts with attached collars. 3) The room was lighted by the strong rays of the sun. 4) He added the hundred to the sum. 5) I came in while you were asleep. 6) A lamp is a necessary thing in this room. 7) The door was closed and locked. 8) Light curtains hung in the dining – room windows, therefore it was light. 9)In the second year of their residence the company seemed especially to increase. 10)The little boy was outside the car. 11)Food and water were scarce during the long summer. 12) He drew two crooked lines. 3) Заполните пропуски словами, противоположными по смыслу выделенным словам. 1) Why did you reject my offer and … his. 2) He may be dexterous at football, but he is very … on the dance floor. 3) Although the temporary effect of the drugs seems beneficial, the ultimate effect seems … 4) I enjoy the climate that is rigorous in winter and … in summer. 5) Don`t be antagonistic to my suggestions. I am making them in a … way. 6) The basket was disposed on a low settee beside the … cupboard. 7) Some of the books were excluded from the list but those that were … were obligatory. 8) I am afraid the sweet cream will get … if you keep it in the warm. 9) Most of the exercises she did were correct, several were … 10) Near the very bank the river was shallow and we had to wade out to the middle where it was … enough to swim. Эталоны ответов к практическому занятию по теме «Антонимы» 1)Дайте антонимы следующих слов, определите тип антонимов (см. лекцию). Alert- drowsy, sluggish, discord - accord, amity- hostility, alive- dead, lifeless, active- inactive, ugly- beautiful, appearance- disappearance, courage- discourage, attentive- inattentive, descend- ascend, safety- risk, danger, hazard, jeopardy, consistent- inconsistent, aware- unaware, benefactor- enemy, convenient- inconvenient, competent- incompetent, continue- stop, preceding- succeeding, previous, correct- incorrect, sufficient- scarce, frequent- infrequent, distinct- indistinct, expensive- inexpensive, cheap, hostile- friendly, faithful- unfaithful, wet- dry, enemy- benefactor, friend, employed- dismissed, discharged, legal-illegal, improper- proper, order- disorder, polite- impolite, rational- irrational, post – war- pre-war, painful-.painless 2)Измените следующие предложения на предложения с противоположным смыслом, измените слова, выделенные курсивом на антонимы. Установите, являются ли антонимы полярными или деривационными. 1) All the seats were occupied. (free) 2) The room was lighted by the strong rays of the sun. (weak) 3) He added the hundred to the sum. (deducted) 4) I came in while you were asleep. (awoken) 5) A lamp is a necessary thing in this room. (unnecessary, superfluous) 6) The door was closed and locked. (open)7) Light curtains hung in the dining – room windows, therefore it was light. (dark) 8) the second year of their residence the company seemed especially to increase. (decrease) 9) The little boy was outside the car.(inside) 10) Food and water were scarce during the long summer. (abundant, sufficient) 11) He drew two crooked lines. (straight) 3) Заполните пропуски словами, противоположными по смыслу выделенным словам. 1) Why did you reject my offer and accept his. 2) He may be dexterous at football, but he is very clumsy on the dance floor. 3) Although the temporary effect of the drugs seems beneficial, the ultimate effect seems (pernicious) 4) I enjoy the climate that is rigorous in winter and mild in summer. 5) Don`t be antagonistic to my suggestions. I am making them in a friendly way. 6) The basket was disposed on a low settee beside the tall cupboard. 7) Some of the books were excluded from the list but those that were included were obligatory. 8) I am afraid the sweet cream will get sour if you keep it in the warm. 9) Most of the exercises she did were correct, several were incorrect 10) Near the very bank the river was shallow and we had to wade out to the middle where it was deep enough to swim. Итоговый тест Морфологический состав слова 1) Напишите 4 слова с нулевой флексией: 2) Проведите морфологический анализ слов: beautiful, irresponsable Линейные способы словообразования 3) Расположите слова по трем колонкам в зависимости от их способа образования: A) словосложение b) синтаксическая компрессия с) сложносокращенное слово H- bomb, Lily- of – the – valley, TV – set, Highwaywoman, pick – me – up, colour-blind 4) Вставьте нужное слово в пропуски в зависимости от смысла предложения. - authority/ authorities 1. Local … allow to make a project of this building. 2. The US Constitution gives Congress … to make laws. - damage/ damages 1.The fire caused a lot of … 2.You `ll have to pay the … - talk/ talks 1.The … will be resumed if the Prime Minister takes office 2. My .. with George didn`t help any. Нелинейные способы словообразования 5) Напишите, каким выражениям соответствуют следующие аббревиатуры: PC code, hi- fi, Interpol, sci- fi, V-Day 6) Переведите следующие выражения c конверсией a) chance dogs doctors` practice b) card cheats doctor the cards c) pilot training is impossible here d) sheep like grass e) sheep – like eyes look stupid Значение, понятие, свойства слова 7) Напишите формулу семантической связи внутри слова. 8) Укажите денотативный и коннотативный компоненты значения слова (нарисуйте схему): to hop Полисемия слова в английском языке 9) Установите соответствие значения многозначного слова stones в каждом из предложений с русским значением: a) косточка b) камень c) надгробная плита 1) They are buried under these stones. 2) Don`t eat cherries with stones. 3) Don`t throw stones at a dog. 10) Перепишите словосочетания, сгруппировав однотипные контексты. Назовите словарные значения, реализуемые в каждом случае. Spread butter, spread propaganda, spread cheese, spread an epidemic Изменение значения слова 11) Укажите случаи a) специализации значения (сужение денотата); b) появления нового значения при сохранении старого значения (становление слова полисемантичным, расширение денотата); с) возвышения; d) уничижение; 1) meat: любая пища → мясо, мякоть2) lady: хозяйка дома, семейного очага → леди (девушка с хорошими манерами, знанием светского этикета и образованием) 3) mouse: мышь → компьютерная мышь4) villain: деревенский житель → негодяй 12) Назовите предложения, в которых выделенные слова употреблены в метафорически – переносном значении. 1) a)The car stuck in the mud. b)The word stuck in her throat. 2)a) The lock won `t open, it`s gone rusty. b)His German is a bit rusty. 3) a) He knit his brows and looked angry b) Knit me a muffler. Стилистическая дифференциация лексики 13) Назовите виды неформального стиля языка. 14) Постройте пары из данных слов по принципу слово разговорного стиля – нейтральное слово: Grub, eyes, good mixer, dotty, food, , blinkers, sociable, mad Синонимы. Антонимы 15) Объясните, используя данные словаря, почему следующие слова являются частичными синонимами. Назовите значения, в которых они совпадают. Tongue – language, dear – expensive, ripe – mature 16) Напишите отрицательную частицу следующих слов, чтобы образовать их антонимы: - ... important - ... polite - ...considerate - ... scientist Эталоны ответов к итоговому тесту 1) house, root, impose, dance 2) b) 3) a) highwaywoman, colour- blind b) lily – of-the- valley, pick-me - up c) H- bomb, TV- set 4) 1) authorities 2) authority 2) 1) damage 2) damages 3) 1) talk 2) talks 5) Political correctness, high – fidelity, international policy, science fiction, victory – day 6) врачебная практика бродячих собак карточные жулики подделывают карточки подготовка летчиков здесь невозможна овцы любят траву овцеподобные глаза выглядят глупо. 7) семантика слова = значение слова\ понятие слова понятие слова – категория логическая значение – категория лингвистическая 8) денотативный: to jump коннотативный: прыгать на одной ноге, легко, без всякого усилия, 9) 1) с 2) a) 3) b) 10) spread butter, cheese - намазать spread propaganda, epidemic - распространять 11) 1) a) 2) c) 3) b) 4) d) 12) 1) b) 2) b) 3) a 13) коллоквиал, сленг, диалект 14) grub – food dotty – mad blinkers – eyes good mixer – sociable 15) tongue – язык как орган речи, либо как ваш родной язык language- язык как средство общения dear – дорогой (одушевленное) expensive – дорогой (неодушевленное) ripe – созревший (фрукты, овощи, человек, идеи, мысли) mature – созревший, зрелый человек. 16) unimportant, impolite, inconsiderate, non-scientist Используемая литература
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