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NEW PASSENGER TRAIN The quality of the transport is governed by the speed, the behavior of the rolling stock, the design of the seats and the space available, the heating and ventilation, the lighting, the sound insulation and some other factors. British Railways have introduced eight prototype carriages of advanced design. A particularly interesting feature of the development stage was the construction of full size mock-ups, to test and demonstrate new features, before proceeding with final drawings. From the start, development of these new vehicles included an up-to-date replacement for everyday main line services. The eight prototypes represent an important advance for passenger comfort and a new bogie design. The integral carriage permits a reduction in overall weight of vehicles, and the new bogie has good riding characteristics over long mileage between repairs. To avoid delays in production the eight prototype carriages were constructed as usual with under-frame and body shell, the latter was designed with wider doors and windows. They are lightly lengthened to permit better gangway connections. There were some improvements in sound proofing, insulation, heating, lighting and ventilation. Also there can be seen significant changes in design, layout and construction of the interiors. As a part of an experiment an entirely fresh livery was chosen for these carriages. Basically the body is a rich shade of blue. Bogies and other equipment below the frames are a deep umber brown, and roof areas are dark grey. Destination boards are placed at waist level. Experimental service – опытная эксплуатация Prototype carriage – опытный вагон (образец вагона) Mock-ups – макеты Up-to-date replacement – модернизация подвижного состава Main line services – перевозки на основных линиях In terms – в отношении Integral carriage – кузов цельнонесущей конструкции Riding characteristics – ходовые качества Gangway connections – входные соединения Sound proofing and insulation – шумоглушение и звукоизоляция Fresh livery – новая отделка Destination boards – маршрутные указатели Answer the questions:
CARRIAGES AND WAGONS Many and varied types of carriages and wagons are needed in a big railway system. Some of the problems should be solved in designing the carriages and wagons in which passengers and goods are transported. The designer of the rolling-stock must think about the dimensional limits of the track and construction gauges. Also he must think about particular purposes of the vehicle. Obviously the vehicles must be strong so that they may have a long life and low costs of maintenance. On the other hand every additional pound of weight by which they are heavier, means additional weight to be hauled by the locomotive with the consequent increase of fuel consumption. The ideal railway, carriage or wagon should be extremely light, extremely strong, and at the same time extremely roomy, having maximum accommodation for the paying load. There are three most important things in the designing of carriages and wagons. First, cheapness of construction, second, the weight of the empty vehicle in proportion to its capacity and third, its suitability for carrying as many kinds of goods as possible. Designing passenger vehicles, designers try to embody new features to obtain maximum comfort for the passengers e.g. reduced vibration, lessened noise, lighting and ventilation and even luxury finishes. There were also some experiments for the exclusion of the draughts by installing special devices. Construction gauge – конструкционная ширина колеи Paying load – полезный груз, коммерческий груз Answer the questions:
PUSH-PULL OPERATION Like the locomotives of Series E 41, locomotive E344.01 is fully equipped for push-pull operation. For the purpose of such operation across the French border, it was necessary to ensure a reliable and safe change-over from one traction system to the other even when the control trailer is in the leading position. The adoption of an automatic change-over system was a logical consequence, the frequency and voltage equipment being extended to include the active transmission of orders to effect the change-over of the three systems. Depending on the current system, the resonance circuits react and initiate, by means of built-in auxiliary relays, the necessary switching operations. The locomotive was completed at the end of October, 1962, and has been in regular operation, since mid-November 1962, hauling heavy mineral trains of 1800 tons from the frontier yard. As and when more sections in the zone between Germany and France are electrified, there will be further opportunities for dual-system locomotives in goods train and passenger train operation, including push-pull train operation. Push-pull operation – движение в обоих направлениях, челночное движение Control trailer – головной вагон Automatic change-over system – автоматическая система переключения тока Frequency and voltage detection equipment – устройство выбора частоты и напряжения Resonance circuits – резонансные контуры Frontier yard – пограничный передаточный пункт Answer the questions:
ELECTRONIC RAILWAY-SIGNAL INTERLOCKING The first electronically operated system of railway –signal interlocking in the world was made in the branch signal box at Henley-on-Thames, Western Region, British Railways. The new system has completed its laboratory trials and is subjected to full-scale trials. Electronic systems were applied to remote control and indicating elements in some signal boxes on British railways. These elements have important operational functions in the signaling system but their contribution to overall safety depends upon effective interlocking of the signals and points. Hitherto signal interlocking has been effected by mechanical locks and by electro-magnetic relays. In the Henley installations these components are replaced by electronic units incorporating transistors, semi-conductor diodes and ferrite cores. The adoption of electronic circuitry eliminating moving parts results in substantial savings in maintenance costs. Thus means that electronic interlocking will be used in future signaling schemes, it can surpass the reliability of magnetic relays which (as pointed out by the British Transport Commission) can operate for at least five years in a sealed box and have a failure rate of only in one in thousand of millions of operations. The new electronic system operates on the conventional push-button system and is provided with track and point indication. Railway-signal interlocking –централизация железнодорожной сигнализации ANSWER THE QUESTIONS:
AUTOMATIC CHANNEL SEARCHING The mobile stations were designed to operate on two different principles. One type of locomotive radio has two receivers and a special change-over arrangement. One of the receivers is always directly connected to the receiver terminal of the duplex filter, the other is coupled through the attenuator. There is another attenuator in the voice frequency circuit of the second receiver; otherwise the outputs of the receivers would be connected in parallel with final amplifier stage. It is squelch-relay of the directly coupled receiver cannot keep the channel open due to a weak signal, a change-oven relay switches the receivers over, so that there is practically no interruption when the locomotive enters a new base station area. Another type of locomotive radio has one receiver only, but in addition there is a channel testing device. This connects the receiver to both channels approximately once every two seconds until a carrier comes in from one of the channels. The searching is then stopped until the signal stops. Automatic channel searching - автоматическое переключение каналов Mobile station – зд. локомотивные станции Change-over arrangement (relay) – переключающее устройство (реле) Receiver terminal of the duplex filter – выход дуплексного фильтра Voice frequency circuit – цепь приема тональных частот Squelch-relay – контрольное реле (аварийное реле) Channel testing device – устройство контроля каналов ANSWER THE QUESTIONS:
OUTGOING CALLS The train dispatcher’s office is situated at Tempere Station. There is a tone generator with several tones for selecting the base station and an outgoing call be sent via one or more base stations. A set of tone receivers with calling lamps indicates which base station is relaying an incoming call from a train or from a wayside station. Wayside stations comprise one transmitter of frequency f0, two receivers of frequency f1 and f3, a duplex filter, a microphone, a loudspeaker and a tone generator for calling the dispatcher. Locomotive sets comprise one transmitter of frequency f2, one or two receivers of frequencies f1 and f3, a microphone, a loudspeaker, and a tone generator for calling the dispatcher. The locomotive radios also have a duplex filter. A call from a locomotive t a wayside station passes from the locomotive transmitter (f2) to a base receiver and from the base transmitter (f1 or f3) to a wayside receiver. The answer goes from the wayside transmitter (f0) to a base receiver and from the base transmitter (f1 or f3) to the locomotive receiver. As there are two different receiving channels at the relaying base station (f0 and f2), the conversation can take place with full duplex, as on a telephone. A call from a locomotive or a wayside station to the dispatcher is initiated by pressing a call button, so that a tone signal goes to the base station and from there initiates another selective call over the link to the dispatcher. When answering the dispatcher gives a signal and gets a channel to the desired base transmitter (or several transmitters). Outgoing (incoming) call – исходящий (входящий) вызов Calling lamps – вызывные лампы Tone generator – генератор тональной частоты Locomotive set – комплект локомотивного оборудования Selective call – избирательный вызов Over the link - зд. по радиолинейной связи ANSWER THE QUESTIONS
TRAIN DISPATCHER The dispatcher should be able to break into a conversation between a wayside station and a locomotive, or between two locomotives or two wayside stations. Wayside stations should be able to break into a conversation which is going on between a dispatcher and a locomotive driver or between two drivers. It is desirable to avoid the use of selective calling devices. Selective calling according to train numbers would be useful but rather complicated, the same locomotive is not always on the same train and any other numbering system could be confusing. To find a technical solution to all the operational requirements the telecommunication engineers carried out a series on large-scale tests in various lines. Special attention was paid to the problem of avoiding interference when the train moved in a field covered by two base transmitters at the same time. There are five base stations along the messages to locomotives are relayed by the base stations; the 160Mc/s band is used. At the base stations two separate transmitting frequencies are used so that two successive base stations never transmit on the same frequency. When the train passes from the area covered by one base into an adjacent area the receiver in the train automatically selects the right channel. Each of the base stations comprises one transmitter of frequency f1 or f3, two receivers of frequency f0 and f2 and tone control equipment. To allow simultaneous transmitting and receiving there is also a duplex-filter. All the base stations are connected together by s chain of radio links working in the 450Mc/s band. Selective calling devices – устройство избирательного вызова Operational requirements – эксплуатационные потребности Field covered by base transmitters – зона, перекрываемая двумя базисными станциями Tone control equipment – регулятор тембра Duplex-filter – дуплекс-фильтр (двусторонний фильтр, сдвоенный фильтр) ANSWER THE QUESTIONS:
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