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ADDITIONAL READINGF I B R E SA fibre may be defined as a unit of matter of hair-like dimensions whose length is at loast 200 times greater than its width. The principal use of fibres is in the manufacture of textile yarns and ultimately textile fabrics. Most textile fibres are slender, flexible, relatively strong beams that are elastic, that is they stretch when put under tension and partially or completely return to their original length when the tension is removed. Each fibre has its own unique properties and no one fibre can satisfy all manufacturing or use requirements. Fibres are broadly classified as natural or man-made. Natural fibres include those of vegetable (cellulose base), animal (protein base) or mineral (mineral base) origin. Examples of each class are cotton, flax, jute (vegetable); wool and silk (animal); asbestos fibre (mineral). Vegetable fibres can bi divided into three classes: 1. seed and fruit hair fibres; 2. bast fibres; 3. leaf fibres. The first class of vegetable fibres, as their name suggests, are found as hairs on the seeds or fruit of certain plants. The commonest example of this class of fibres is cotton. Bast fibres, also called soft fibres, are obtained from the stalks. Leaf fibres, also called hard fibres, are recovered from leaf portions of some plants. They are harder and have a larger diameter than bast fibres and are used mainly in cordage. The most important leaf fibre is abaca (often called Manila hemp). Animal fibres usually grow from the skin as a protective covering of various animals. They differ in length, diameter and physical structure with the source of their origin. The most important animal fibre is wool which forms the fleecy coat of the domestic sheep. Other animal fibres are derived from the hair or fur of camel, lama, rabbit etc. They are all used in apparel. Mineral fibre. The only naturally occurring mineral fibre is asbestos. Its name is derived from Greek compound word signifying "incombustible", "inextinguishable". It is a fibrous mineral substance, one of the most remarkable in the mineral world. Known primarily for its fireproof properties, asbestos has achieved its importance by reason of the many forms in which it serves and protects man. Man-made fibres are the achievement of the science of the 20th century. They may be divided into two classes: rayons and synthetic fibres. Rayons are manufactured by alteration of natural fibrous substance (for example, cellulose). Synthetic fibres are obtained from the fibrous matter produced by chemical process called polymerization, in which many units of simple chemical substances combine to form long-chain molecules. By selecting suitable simple compounds and controlling the degree of polymerization, it is possible to produce new substances whose properties can be predicted. This means that it is now possible to produce entirely new fibres with desired combinations of properties. C O T T O NThe term "cotton" refers to the plant which is famous for its fluffy fibre. This term is also referred to the cotton fibres which consist of unicellular hairs varying in length from a small fraction of an inch to two inches or slightly over. Cotton is a tropical plant adapted to temperate zones, growing best with high temperatures, considerable sunshine, abundant but not excessive moisture and high soil fertility. Cotton fibres occur attached to a seed about the size of a small pea and have a spiral twist making them espacially valuable for spinning. One seed contains about 10,000 fibres which may vary in diameter from 12 to 25 microns depending on the type of cotton. Microscopic examination of the cross section of a fibre reveals that the fibre is a spirally twisted tube having a rough surface. Each fibre consists of an outer cell wall and an inner layer of cellulose comprising the secondary wall. Cotton is a strong fibre but is not highly extensible (stretchable). Since cotton fibres are only about 1 in. long they must be spun into continuous yarns. Partly because if its low extensibility, the cotton fibre does not recover well after stretching and so cotton fabrics do not exhibit good wrinkle resistance unless chemically treated with crease resistant finishes. The spirality of a cotton fibre distinguishes it from all other natural fibres and gives it elasticity and superior value for spinning. No other natural fibre has this feature. Cotton fibres are about 20% stronger when wet than dry. This property is an obvious advantage in wet uses, particularly for laundering. Because of its launderability, cotton is particularly useful for toweling. It can be sterilized by steam of by hypochlorite bleaching; such treatment enhances its whiteness and makes it of value for surgical and sanitary uses. The uses of cotton fibres are so widespread that it is by far the most important of all textile fibres. |
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