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English Traditional Meals. Each country has its own traditional cuisine, which reflects its cultural and historic identity and makes this country different from others. As a rule, the first meal of the day comes in the morning somewhere between 7 and 9am. For a typical breakfast in our days, many Englishmen have toast with butter or sometimes margarine and berry or fruit jam and marmalade, which is made from oranges. Very popular are fruit salads or fruit cocktails. For others, an ideal breakfast will include a bowl with appetizing cereal, such as cornflakes or a mixture of grains, nuts, and dried fruit also called muesli. This cereals are mixed with milk and often served to children, because it’s considered very nutritious and healthy. As for a traditional English breakfast, it will consist of more wholesome substantial food, for example: bacon, sausages, omelet or poached eggs, baked beans, fried tomatoes, or even mushrooms. Some people love to eat a boiled egg with a strip of toast which is dipped into the yolk. Usual beverages for breakfast are tea, coffee or some kind of juice, though the most commonly drank is orange juice. Between 11am and noon, some people have a morning tea-break. This is a light snack including a biscuit with tea or coffee and is generally known as ‘elevenses’. Between 12:30 and 2:00 in the afternoon comes the time for a lunch. Some may have a small sandwich, others prefer soup and bread. There is also a traditional farmer’s lunch consisting of traditional Cheddar cheese, some pickles and salad with some kind of meat pies. It is common in England not to cook the lunch at homes but go to a pub with one’s friends. However, at Sunday lunch time the whole family may come together for a Sunday meal traditionally including roast beef with potatoes, various vegetables like green beans, peas, parsnip, and with gravy. Meat dishes, especially roast beefs, are traditionally served with Yorkshire pudding. In the late afternoon, usually between 3pm and 5pm, tea-time comes. This is a rather small meal when people may drink a cup of tea with biscuits, cakes, or even sandwiches. In the very early evening, at about 6 o’clock, the English usually have high tea. This is also a very light meal including After that, usually between 7pm and 9pm, the evening meal is eaten. There is a kind of confusion about the name for this meal. It is sometimes called either supper dinner. At the same time, dinner may also refer to lunch. At supper, or dinner if you prefer this name, people usually have the main dish and the dessert, or ‘afters’. The main dish traditionally includes some kind of meat and vegetables, with potatoes never forgotten. The dessert may be served in the form of a pudding. The most traditional English dishes are very greasy but they are not normally eaten every day. Most English have traditional dishes very rarely and most often on a special occasion. Although, the English are believed to be very conservative and sticking to their traditional way of life, they love to go out to a pub or a restaurant ant try dishes from other countries. Most cities in England have Indian or Italian restaurants quite affordable for most visitors. Italian pizzas and pastas, Turkish kebabs, or Japanese sushi are also very popular in England. In all these places you can have so called take away food. Takeaway is a meal which you buy at a restaurant and eat at home. There are special restaurants selling exclusively takeaway food, so you can meet a Chinese or an Indian Takeaway. There are lots of fast food restaurants, most typical of which is a fish and chips shop. Yet, I would not advise to eat fast food too often because it is less healthy, though sometimes it can save you time. Famous Russians. If one were to name famous Russians, he or she could go on for ever and ever. Indeed, Russia is a country which has contributed in great part to world civilization. Among Russian scientists, writers, and artists, there are so many important names that it is very difficult to choose. I am going to tell about but a few people whom I respect for all they did for our country. Alexander Pushkin is sure to be the first name to spring up in our memory when we think about Russian poetry. Pushkin played an exceptional role not only in the development of the Russian literature but also in the development of the Russian language itself. He was able to make Russian literature an integral part of the European literature. Pushkin’s works accompany us since the very beginning of our lives. As children we are read his wonderful fairy tales; later in life we come to love his lyrical poetry. In his brief but very fruitful lifetime, Pushkin managed to write so many genius pieces of poetry that everybody can find something to their taste. Besides poetry, Pushking wrote critical articles, historical works which are also an essential element of his literary legacy. His works have been translated into more than one hundred languages. This, one the one hand, can help people in other countries become familiar with Pushkin. Still, to get the real flavour of Pushkin’s specific and unrepeatable style, one had better read his works in the original. Mikhail Lomonosov is the first Russian scientist who became known to the whole world. His eagerness to get an education and hunger for knowledge drove him out of his native village, Kholmogory, when, at the age of 19, he travelled to Moscow on foot. After his studies in Moscow, he continued them in St-Petersburg and in Germany. Lomonosov became a universal scientist of encyclopedic knowledge with great achievements in chemistry, astronomy, geology, mineralogy and in other areas. Besides, he was the first to write the history of Russia in 1760. Also, Lomonosov was the father of Russian system of higher education. It was he who founded a university in Moscow, which was named after him in 1940. Among Russian composers, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is no doubt one of the most renowned to say the least. His musical genius places him in the list of most famous composers amongst such names as Bach, Beethoven, Mozart… Sure enough, Tchaikovsky is most eminent and distinguished Russian composer. There is hardly anybody who will not be touched by his operas and ballets. During his lifetime, Tchaikovsky quickly became popular not only in Russia but also in the whole world. He was heartily welcomed in many capitals and performed with constant and amazing success. For an educated person to see such masterpieces as Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Eugene Onegin are a must. Personally, I always do my best to reserve an evening for going to one of his brilliant operas or ballets. The next famous person I would like to tell is Yuri Gagarin. To my mind, Gagarin should be considered the most important man of 20th century because he ushered the new era of space exploration by man. On 12 April, 1961 Yuri Gagarin flew into the orbit of the Earth aboard the spaceship called Vostok I. He was the first man in history to reach space. In his spaceship, Gagarin orbited the planet once and safely landed approximately 90 minutes later. Having landed, he realized that the spaceflight had made him a world sensation. Every newspaper around the globe placed his pictures on the first pages, all radio and TV station broadcast his happy face beaming with kind smiles. Of course, these 90 minutes had taken many years of hard work and preparation. Nobody knew how a human body might react to being in space. Yet, Yuri Gagarin was a strong and courageous person. He will always be remembered as the cosmonaut number one. Famous people in English speaking countries. English speaking countries have given lots of great people to the world civilization. Scientists and entertainers, writers and actors, sportsmen and politicians… It’s very difficult to choose a few. However, I am going to tell you about the ones, who are most famous as far as my opinion goes. No doubt, one of the best writers ever in human history without any question came from an English speaking country. His name is William Shakespeare. He became a symbol of the English literature. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon in England. In the very early childhood he watched with admiration how visiting groups of actors created whole worlds on stage. He decided to become an actor himself. Although he did become an actor when he came to London at 21, but the real fame came to him when he started to write plays and pieces of poetry. His 154 sonnets have reached our times through all this time without losing their freshness and artistic value. His plays are full of life itself, be it “Hamlet”, or “Othello” “Romeo and Juliet” or any other. His works have been translated into many languages. People all over the world enjoy Shakespeare’s works. As for me, I like his sonnets and try to read them in the original, though sometimes they are difficult to understand after the first reading and takes a second and even a third reading to enjoy a sonnet completely. Australia has given many famous entertainers. The most well-known Australian actors are Mel Gibson and Nicole Kidman. I would like to tell something about Nicole Kidman because she is my favourite actress. From her childhood Nicole was interested in entertainment. She began ballet lessons when she was three years old, mime class when she was eight, and acting classes when she was ten. Already at 14 she had her first great success with a role in an Australian TV film. When Kidman was 17, the whole Australia voted for her as the best actress of the year. Such talent immediately in great demand in Hollywood, were she debuted in 1990 with Tom Cruise. Since then, she has always been a movie star of world class. One of the best movies of hers is, of course, the musical “Muolin Rouge.” When we are discussing famous people in English speaking countries, one of the top positions must be given to the most famous ever rock group “The Beatles.” The Beatles shaped not only music and the way it is now, but also entire generations. They became a model for how to behave, to dress, to think, even how to live. The members of the group, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Star met when they were still very young, no more than 17 years old. The first success came to the band when they started to work with a manager Brian Epstein. They recorded their first single in 1962. These were the songs still popular today: “Love me do” and “Please Please Me.” From that time onwards, Beatlemania took over the whole world, which continued right till 1970, when the group members decided to break up. Unfortunately, Lennon’s life tragically ended in December, 1980, when a fan murdered him; and George Harrison died in 2001 after he suffered from throat cancer. Anyway, “The Beatles” have remained popular with people of any age no matter where they and whether they speak English or not. Everybody knows Yury Gagarin, the first man who flew into space. The next step of space exploration would be to land on the Moon. An American astronaut, Neil Armstrong, was the commander of Apollo 11 spacecraft, which flew to the Moon. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong set foot on the lunar surface for the first time in human history. On the moment when Armstrong left the spacecraft after the landing, he said the phrase, which became one of the most famous worldwide. He said: “That’s one small step for a man, but one giant leap for mankind.” British Princess Diana without any question is a person to be remembered. She was born on July 1 1961. Her full name was Lady Diana Frances Spencer, and she was a daughter of the Earl of Spencer. But Diana was famous not as a member of the Royal family. Rather, she is remembered as an energetic charity activist. She was in touch with over 100 British and international organizations giving support to different groups of people. Most of her efforts were spent on fighting the landmines all over the world, and especially in Africa were huge expanses were killing thousands of innocent children every year. Thanks to her, lots of people were saved and relieved in time of trouble. Diana died dramatically in a car accident in France but is still in our hearts. 4. КОНТРОЛЬНО-ОЦЕНОЧНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ ДЛЯ ИТОГОВОЙ АТТЕСТАЦИИ ПО УЧЕБНОЙ ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ ЗАДАНИЯ К ЗАЧЕТУ 1. Ознакомиться с содержанием профессионально ориентированного текста на иностранном языке (разрешается пользоваться словарем). 2. Изложить основное содержание прочитанного текста (разрешается обращаться к тексту). 3. Принять участие в беседе с преподавателем по ситуациям в рамках изученной тематики. Вопросы для итогового контроля по дисциплине «Английский язык» для студентов 1 курса 1. Правила фонетики. Произношение. Транскрипция. Интонация. 2. Местоимения ( личные, указательные, притяжательные, возвратные) 3. Числительные ( количественные и порядковые) 4. Артикли( неопределенный и определенный) 5. Визитная карточка. Оформление. 6. Представьтесь по-английски. Расскажите о себе и своей семье. 7. Расскажите о своем рабочем дне. 8. Расскажите о своем выходном дне. 9. Образование множественного числа существительных. 10. Спряжение глагола «to be». 11. Порядок слов в английском предложении. Типы вопросов. 12. Времена года и погода. Название месяцев, дней недели. 13. Степени сравнения прилагательных. 14. Модальные глаголы. 15. Страны изучаемого языка. 16. Конструкция «There is, there are». Описание комнаты, квартиры. 17. Предлоги. Роль предлогов в английском языке. 18. Хобби, как студенты проводят свободное время. 19. Даты, отрезки времени, дроби. 20. Притяжательный падеж существительных. 21. Высказывание по теме « Путешествие». Лист согласования Дополнения и изменения к комплекту КОС Дополнения и изменения к комплекту КОС на __________ учебный год по дисциплине __________________________________________________________________________________ В комплект КОС внесены следующие изменения: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Дополнения и изменения в комплекте КОС обсуждены на заседании предметно-цикловой комисссии______________________________________________________________________ «_____» ____________ 20_____г. (протокол № _______ ). Председатель ПЦК ________________ /___________________/ Дополнения и изменения к комплекту КОС на __________ учебный год по дисциплине __________________________________________________________________________________ В комплект КОС внесены следующие изменения: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Дополнения и изменения в комплекте КОС обсуждены на заседании предметно-цикловой комиссии_______________________________________________________________________ «_____» ____________ 20_____г. (протокол № _______ ). Председатель ПЦК ________________ /___________________/ |
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