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6. Переведите предложения, содержащие независимый причастный оборот. 1. Data being accessed randomly, semiconductor memories are called random access memory (RAM). 2. The information capacity of a single bit being limited to two alternatives, codes are based on combination of bits. 3. Primary storage having similarity to a function of the human brain, the storage is also called memory. 4. An electron leaving the surface, the metal becomes positively charged. 5. Computer system architecture being organized around the primary storage unit, all instructions must pass through it. 6. Computer system architecture is organized around the primary storage unit, all instructions passing through it. 7. Electromechanical memories depend upon moving mechan- Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 102 i ![]() 7. Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2. to manage ['таешёз] — управлять; организовывать; справляться to obtain [ab'tein] — получать; достигать; добиваться to cause — заставлять; вынуждать; вызывать; быть причиной; причина, основание flow ['flou] — поток; ход (выполнения программы); последовательность counter ['kauntaj — счетчик register [rred3isto] — регистр; устройство регистрации; счетчик; датчик instruction register — регистр команд storage register — регистр памяти; запоминающий регистр address register — адресный регистр temporarily [ЧетрэгэпЬ] — временно decoder [di'kouda] — дешифратор operand address [ops'raind a'dres] — адрес (хранения) операнда mark ['mak] — отметка; маркер; знак; помечать; обозначать; выделять timing mark — отметка времени accumulate [s'kjimyuleit] — накапливать(ся); суммировать; собирать(ся) accumulator — сумматор; накапливающий регистр; устройство суммирования compare [кэт'рсэ] — сравнивать; соотноситься 103 Unit & Central Processing Unit c ![]() content ['kontsnt]— содержимое; смысл; объем; количество involve [in'volv] — включать; содержать; заключать (в себе) core ['ka] — суть; основная часть; ядро; оперативная память add feed] — складывать; суммировать; прибавлять; присоединять added — добавочный; дополнительный adder — сумматор; блок суммирования at least — по крайней мере 8. Прочтите текст и скажите, о каких компонентах центрального процессора и их назначении вы узнали. Переведите текст. Text 2. THE CPU MAIN COMPONENTS As it is known the two functional units of the CPU are the control unit (CU) and the arithmetic-logical unit (ALU). The control unit manages and coordinates the entire computer system. It obtains instructions from the program stored in main memory, interprets the instructions, and issues signals that cause other units of the system to execute them. The control unit operates by reading one instruction at a time from memory and taking the action called for by each instruction. In this way it controls the flow between the main storage and the arithmetic-logical unit. The control unit has the following components: a counter that selects the instructions, one at a time, from memory; a register that temporarily holds the instructions read from memory while it is being executed; a decoder that takes the coded instruction and breaks it down into individual commands necessary to carry it out; a clock, which produces marks at regular intervals. These timing marks are electronic and very rapid. The sequence of control unit operations is as follows. The next instruction to be executed is read out from primary stor- ![]() Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 104 a ![]() The arithmetic-logical unit (AL U) executes the processing operations called for by the instructions brought from main memory by the control unit. Binary arithmetic, the logical operations and some special functions are performed by the arithmetical-logical unit. Data enter the ALU and return to main storage through the storage register. The accumulator serving as a register holds the results of processing operations. The results of arithmetic operations are returned to the accumulator for transfer to main storage through the storage register. The comparer performs logical comparisons of the contents of the storage register and the accumulator. Typically, the comparer tests for conditions such as "less than", "equal to", or "greater than". So as you see the primary components of the arithmetic-logical unit are banks of bistable devices, which are called registers. Their purpose is to hold the numbers involved in the calculation and hold the results temporarily until they can be tranferred to memory. At the core of the ALU is a very high- 105 Unit 8. Central Processing Unit s ![]() 9. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста. 1. What are the functional units of CPU? 2. What is the function of CU? 3. How does CU operate? 4. What is the function of a counter? 5. What role does a decoder play? 6. What is the sequence of CU operations? 7. What is the function of the arithmetic-logical unit? 8. What operations are performed by ALU? 9. What primary components does ALU consist of? 10. What is the function of an accumulator / comparer? 10. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний: Функциональные блоки; устройство управления; арифметико-логическое устройство; управлять работой всей системы; получать команды; основная память; посылать сигналы; считывать команды поэтапно; таким образом; временно сохранять информацию; производить пометки через равные промежутки времени; последовательность операций; регистр памяти; регистр команд; адресный регистр; счетчик; датчик; дешифратор; адрес операнда; адресный регистр, высокоскоростной двоичный сумматор; по крайней мере; вычитание; сложение; умножение; деление; принимать решения; результаты сравнения. П. Вспомните значение новых слов и попытайтесь перевести словосочетания, употребляемые с этими словами. Register, address register; base register; clock register; command / instruction register; counter register; CPU register; hardware register; input / output register; memory register; operand register; general-purpose register; special-purpose register. Counter binary counter; character counter; data counter; instruction counter; pulse counter; sequence counter; storage counter; software counter; time-out counter. Selection: color selection; directory selection; drive selection; file selection; function selection; keyboard selection; menu selection; security selection. Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 106 M ![]() 12. Найдите в текстах 1 и 2 слова, близкие по значению следующим: Verbs: to work; to control; to receive; to keep; to send; to perform; to demand; to choose; to supply; to pass; to name; to include; to apply; to come back; to found; to explain; to form; to define; to arrange. Nouns: computer; answer; commands; memory; element; device; information; state; aim; heart; solution; computation. Adjectives: main; whole; separate; quick; correct; large; main (storage); following; every; following; specific; different; real. 13. Сравните и проанализируйте предложения, содержа щие зависимый и независимый причастные обороты. Переведите их.
3 Instructions being obtained, the control unit causes other units to perform the necessary operations. Instructions are obtained, the control unit causes other units to perform the operations. Having obtained the instructions the control unit causes other units to perform the operations. Obtaining the instructions the control unit causes other units to perform the operations. 4. The elements having unknown properties cannot be used for experiments. The elements have unknown properties, exper- 107 Unit 8. Central Processing Unit iments with these elements being impossible. Having unknown properties the elements cannot be used for experiments. The elements having unknown'properties, experiments with them are impossible. 5. When moving in a material charged particles (заряженные частицы) produce magnetic properties (свойства) of this material. Charged particles moving in a material produce magnetic properties. Charged particles moving in a material, magnetic properties of this material are produced. Charged particles move in a material, magnetic properties of the material being produced. 14. Прочтите внимательно текст и составьте к нему план в назывной форме. Прочтите текст еще раз, разверните пункты плана и составьте реферат на английском языке, озаглавьте текст. *•* cjK It is known that one of the fundamental parts of the computer is a control unit. This unit controls the computation process automatically, without man's participation. It sends signals to all other parts of the computer to specify what they must do. First of all, the control unit tells the main memory what data must be transferred to the arithmetic-logical unit and other devices. Then it enables the arithmetic-logical unit to perform the required operation. Finally, it places the obtained results in the main memory. It is important to note that the control unit operation is determined by an algorithm of a problem solution. The algorithm is a sequence of arithmetic and logical operations. These operations must be performed on the initial data for solving the problem. Description of an algorithm in a form acceptable by a computer is called a program. A program is a list of sequential computer instructions enabling a computer to solve a problem. In order to be acceptable by the computer instructions must be encoded into a digital form. In conclusion it should be pointed out that the main feature of a computer is automatic control of the problem solution process. It is based on the programmed-control principle. Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 108 1 ![]() * * # 1. In 1960's advances in microelectronic components led to the development of the minicomputer, followed more recently by an even smaller microcomputer. Both have filled a need for small but relatively flexible processing systems able to execute comparatively simple computing functions at lower costs. In 1971 Intel Corporation delivered the first microprocessor, the 4004. All the logic to implement the central processing unit of a tiny computer was put onto a single silicon chip less than 1/4 inch square. That design was soon followed by many others. The progress toward smaller computers is continuing, designers are working at nano-computers and pico-computers. When the central processing unit of a computer is implemented in a single, or very small number of integrated circuits, we call it a microprocessor. When a computer includes a microprocessor as its major component, such device is called a microcomputer. Today the hardware in data-processing machines is built out of microelectronic devices. Advances in microelectronic devices give rise to advances in data-processing machinery. 2. The computer has made it possible to mechanize much of the information interchange and processing that constitute the nervous system of our society. The versatility and convenience of the microprocessor has changed the entire architecture of modern computer systems. No longer is the processing of information carried out only in the computer's central processing unit. Today there is a trend toward distributing more processing capability throughout a computer system, with various areas having small local processors for handling operations in those areas. There are a number of advantages of distributed processing. First, .since many elements of the computer can be working on different portions of the same task, the work may be done faster. Second, if one element in the network malfunctions, its workload can be shifted to another element or shared among several elements, so that the entire work is relatively immune 109 Unit 8. Central Processing Unit t ![]() TESTS 1. Вставьте необходимые слова вместо пропусков. 1. Programs and data to be processed must be in the memory. ,a) internal; b) external; c) secondary 2. The control unit instructions from the program. a) sends; b) changes; c) obtains 3. The results of arithmetic operations are returned to the for transferring to main storage. a) decoder; b) counter; c) accumulator 4. The instruction to be in control unit is read out from primary storage into the storage register. a) calculated;Jb) executed; c) read out 5. The performs logical comparisons of the contents of the storage register and the . a) adder; b) accumulator; c) comparer 6. The read out command is passed from the regis ter to the register. a) instruction; b) address; c) storage 7. CPU is designed to and to basic instruc tions for the computer. /a) control; b) consist; c) carry ouU 8. CU and ALU consist of electronic circuits with millions of . a) sensors; b) servers; c) switches 2. Согласуйте слова левой колонки с их интерпретацией, предложенной справа.
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