Методическая разработка грамматика технического текста. Дидактическое пособие по английскому языку для специальности 270839 «Монтаж внутренних сантехнических устройств, систем кондиционирования воздуха и вентиляции»
13. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы причастий:
The civil engineer considers many factors when selecting materials for the construction.
The selection of materials being conditioned by many factors depends mostly on cost and availability.
Having weighed the required quantities of each material the constructor can proportion ceramic in the most accurate way.
The materials bending easily are of use for tubing.
With steel introduced into glass it has high rate of strength increase.
Reconstruction following the World War II became speed-building having used industrialized methods of building.
The idea of prefabricated housing became widespread in 1950s.
The recently found plastics having been made of one polymer are not much in use if being compared with complex materials.
Plastics form three classes according to physical and mechanical properties being also divided into two groups in respect to their composition.
There is a number of plants producing polypropylene piping elements.
Text 6. Air-conditioning.
ir-conditioning comprises the control of temperature, humidity, purity and motion of the air in a room. In our modern world of science and highly developed technology air-conditioning is known having acquired great significance for industrial processes and for human comfort.
All types of buildings and also transport employ air-conditioning. Systems are winter, summer and all-year. Winter systems deal with heating and humidifying, summer appliances – with cooling and dehumidifying. All-year systems provide all the processes required for winter and summer air-conditioning.
The interior design depend upon the purpose being obtained by air-conditioning. The basic parts of the equipment are the filters, preheat coils, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, reheat coils, additional cooling coils, fans and controls. The control of air purity achieved in various degrees, some sort of a filter near the entrance of the air-conditioning system does the minimum control.
We know the size and operational requirements of the system being established by means of calculation the maximum probable heating and demands for it.
Конструкции с причастиями.
V1 + -ing
V3 //
V1 + -ed
being + V3 //
being + V1 + -ed
having + V3 //
having + V1 + -ed
having + been + V3 //
having + been + V1 + -ed
1. Составное подлежащее (в сказуемом – глаголы мышления)
E![](50814_html_m5fc84350.gif) ![](50814_html_m66084452.gif) ![](50814_html_17bdbdd5.gif) ![](50814_html_m5fc84350.gif) ![](50814_html_m718239b7.gif) ![](50814_html_m66084452.gif) ![](50814_html_mb23cf61.gif) ![](50814_html_4947d3ce.gif) ![](50814_html_269d4556.gif) ![](50814_html_41e61732.gif) ![](50814_html_2bd4c9fe.gif) : S + Ppass + Prt I + …
R: С1, + что + П2 + С2 + …
мн. ч.,
The ventilation speed is reported growing.
Сообщают, что скорость
вентиляционного потока растет.
E: S + Ppass + Prt II + …
R: С1, + что + Доп + С2 + …
мн. ч., мн. ч.,
-ся -ся
The system is considered well-planned.
Считают, что систему хорошо спланировали.
2. Составное дополнение (в сказуемом – глаголы мышления и чувственного восприятия)
Е![](50814_html_770f6910.gif) ![](50814_html_770f6910.gif) ![](50814_html_48e4884c.gif) ![](50814_html_72f1aa26.gif) ![](50814_html_76420c22.gif) ![](50814_html_5c63d460.gif) ![](50814_html_4cf687e9.gif) ![](50814_html_5c63d460.gif) ![](50814_html_m3cf451c8.gif) ![](50814_html_m3cf451c8.gif) ![](50814_html_m7a003906.gif) ![](50814_html_m2e4bf701.gif) ![](50814_html_m3cf451c8.gif) ![](50814_html_2481679f.gif) ![](50814_html_m4e88a4eb.gif) : S + P + O + Prt I + …
R: П1 + С1, + что + П2 + С2 + …
We watched the plumbers working.
Мы наблюдали, как водопроводчики
Е: S + P + O + Prt II +
R: П1 + С1, + что + С2 + Доп + …
мн. ч.,
We watched the tubing being placed.
Мы наблюдали, как устанавливают трубы.
3. Абсолютный причастный оборот
E![](50814_html_m66084452.gif) ![](50814_html_m66084452.gif) ![](50814_html_m66084452.gif) ![](50814_html_m66084452.gif) ![](50814_html_m5353ddad.gif) ![](50814_html_m5353ddad.gif) ![](50814_html_m66084452.gif) ![](50814_html_m5353ddad.gif) ![](50814_html_m314657d9.gif) ![](50814_html_1a3d303c.gif) ![](50814_html_61e45da8.gif) ![](50814_html_m56c36720.gif) ![](50814_html_1540f4d9.gif) ![](50814_html_730ea6b6.gif) ![](50814_html_506e2e52.gif) : O + Prt I, + S + P + …
Так как
R: Когда + П1 + С1, + П2 + С2 +…
The city enlarging,
new piping systems
appear under
the streets.
Так как город расширяется,
новые системы трубопровода
под уровнем городских
E: O + Prt II, + S + P + …
Так как
R: Когда + Доп + С1, + П2 + С2 +…
Поскольку мн. ч.,
Тhe water system well planned,
the community has no
Когда водопроводную систему
хорошо спланировали,
население не имеет
проблем с водоснабжением.
14. Переведите, обращая внимание на конструкции с причастиями:
1. Residential houses having been spaced in groups with social and service institutions nearby, the planner makes use of the model of neighbourhood unit.
Experiences show the construction of huge overhead water transporting tubing for small neighbourhood units being not economical.
The number of occupants being between 300 and 400 per hectare, engineers plan a water plant in the residential area.
History of plumbing knows ancient Romans being famed for water supply skills.
The rate of housing construction is considered growing every year.
The tubing prolonged to new quarters, it provides a quick water way for the residents.
We believe modern houses being made comfortable for living.
The water meter taken away, the water consumption increases.
Housing is believed affecting the level of living.
Research shows panel-heating carried out on a large scale.
15. Укажите причастие, его тип, форму, использованную конструкцию или роль в предложении и переведите на русский язык:
Continually being adapted the master plan is never a fixed thing.
Having constituted 12 per cent of the capital formation the residential construction represents a visible rise in the level of living.
The advantages of plastic units having been demonstrated, modern construction widely uses them for both residential and industrial buildings.
Architects made projections of floating industrial towns in the sea.
A program for the experimental construction of a village having been worked out in 1970s was to eliminate the difference between the town and the country-side.
Panel heating is good for small-size houses affording a comfortable living.
Much space in the apartments is thought built-in.
Prospects for the towns’ planning being discussed at the conference exclude overgrowth.
Much attention paid to research, housing technologies develop to suit the occupants’ needs.
We designed a ventilation system for a 12-storeyed hotel with the central part rising to 22 storeys.
Standards of heating risen and air-conditioning equipment multiplied, the electric load of most houses has increased.
Having joined the toilet and shower areas into a single space the designer made bathrooms as spacious as possible.
The plumbing system adapted to many purposes helps easy household.
Having discussed the projects of large populated centers with own climates engineers did not find them economical.
Constructors believe the medium-size houses best produced by prefabrication methods.
Text 7. Ventilation
As far as ventilation is concerned the modern theory to this effect is summed up in the statement that for public buildings the purpose of ventilation is to carry away excess heat and odours. Normally 10 cu.ft. per minute of outside air per person is considered sufficiently accomplishing this objective.
ew window and door blocks being widely used in residential buildings, the previous concern to ventilation as the process of leakage of air through cracks in doors and windows has been changed. Today ventilation supplies fresh air to the rooms and removes hot and contaminated air from them too but it is also being associated with cleaning of air.
Industrial buildings often presenting special problems in ventilation, three types of ventilation are used in the industrial processes: exhaust systems, dilution systems and the combination of both. The contaminated air is exhausted from hoods which pick up the contaminants at high velocity.
16. Укажите причастие, его тип, форму, использованную конструкцию или роль в предложении и переведите на русский язык:
The voyage begun in 1510 and finished in 1522 established that the Earth is a globe.
When being made by our students the experiments described in the journal illustrated the properties of metals.
M. Faraday worked as a bookbinder earning his living.
His work having been done, Faraday read books.
We use the Metric System invented in France.
Having been accepted universally the Metric System showed its advantage.
His origin having been concealed, Lomonosov entered the Academy.
The name of rays opened by Röntghen had the letter “X” meaning unknown.
Lomonosov observed Venus passing over the Sun and discovered its atmosphere.
The construction is reported finished completely.
Прочтите текст:
Things Go Better With Coca-Cola.
Coca-Cola is enjoyed all over the world. 1.2 billion gallons are sold every year in over 160 countries. The drink was invented by Dr John Pemberton in 1886, in Atlanta, but the name was given by his partner, Frank Robinson. During the first year only nine drinks a day were sold.
The business was bought by a man called Asa Candler in 1888, and the first factory was opened in Texas. Billions of cans and bottles have been produced since. And nowadays too Coca-Cola is made in Dallas.
Diet Coke has been produced since 1986, and many clever advertisements have been used to sell it. It is certain that Coca-Cola will be drunk far in the 21
st century.
Сказуемое в страдательном залоге обозначает
действие над подлежащим,
исполнитель действия неизвестен или неважен.
[be] + Prt II
will + be
Prt II
Prt II
Prt II
+ being
+ Prt II
+ being
+ Prt II
+ been
+ Prt II
will + have
+ been
+ Prt II
+ been
+ Prt II
E -------R
обычное предложение, где сказуемое - возвратный глагол (с суффиксом –ся, -сь)
And nowadays too
Coca-Cola is made in Dallas.
И сегодня тоже
Кока-Кола производится в Далласе.
неопределенно-личное предложение (сказуемое – глагол во мн. ч., подлежащего нет)
During the first year only
nine drinks a day
were sold.
В течение первого года
продавали только девять напитков в день.
обычное предложение, где сказуемое – «был» + кр. страдат. прич. (для прош. времен)
The first factory was opened in Texas.
Первая фабрика была открыта в Техасе.
обычное предложение, где сказуемое –
«будет» + кр. страдат. прич. (для буд. времен)
New advertising will be used to sell Coca-Cola.
Новая реклама будет использована для продажи Кока-Колы.
обычное предложение, если указан исполнитель действия с предлогом “by”
The drink was invented by Doctor John Pemberton in 1886.
Доктор Джон Пембертон изобрел этот напиток.
17. Укажите сказуемые в предложениях, определите их время, переведите на русский язык:
This material is considered a conglomerate of resin with paper.
Ceramic was proportioned for the production of adequate strength and water-tightness.
The material will have been well proportioned when every component has been accurately weighed.
Many factors are being considered when selecting the material for the construction.
Availability, cost and properties had been included in considered factors before the selection of materials was made.
This kind of plastic has been found very resistant to chemical attacks.
Copper is known as a frequent material for tubing.
The quantity of each material was being weighed for the first proportioning.
These materials are most widely used for hot water pipes.
The choice of materials will be influenced by the type and function of the water system.
18. Укажите сказуемые в предложениях, определите их время, переведите на русский язык:
Little place is given to the historical background of the 20th-century architecture.
The necessity of modern materials application was clearly illustrated in the panel-heating design.
A plumbing fixture is not being considered a adequate until the customer reports it so.
A building is not planned first from the point of convenience.
The shape of a heating system will not have been taken without considering structural, material, social and economic requirements.
The basic factors are always interrelated.
Air-conditioning and heating will be considered an art, creative and new in contemporary expression.
Claims that ventilation is not a construction requirement have been done since the old times.
The heritage of the past had not been ignored when the contemporary values were introduced.
Not many skills and theories were being involved at the beginning of plumbing.
Text 8. Plumbing Fixtures
lumbing fixtures are exchangeable devices using water that can be connected to a building's plumbing system. They are semi-permanent parts of buildings, not usually owned or maintained separately. Plumbing fixtures are seen by and designed for the end-users. Some examples of fixtures include water closets (also known as toilets), urinals, bidets, showers, bathtubs, utility and kitchen sinks, drinking fountains, ice makers, humidifiers, air washers, fountains, and eye wash stations.
Plumbing equipment includes devices often having been hidden behind walls or in utility spaces which are not seen by the general public. It includes water meters, pumps, expansion tanks, backflow arrestors, water filters, UV sterilization lights, water softeners, water heaters, heat exchangers, gauges, and control systems.
pecialized plumbing tools include pipe wrenches, flaring pliers, pipe vice, pipe bending machine, pipe cutter, dies and joining tools such as soldering torches and crimp tools.
New tools having been developed, plumbers fix problems more efficiently. For example, plumbers use video cameras for inspections of hidden leaks or problems; they use hydro jets, and high pressure hydraulic pumps connected to steel cables for trench-less sewer line replacement.
Plumbing may also include hydronics, which involves heating and cooling systems utilizing water which transports thermal energy.
19. Укажите предложения со сказуемыми в страдательном залоге и переведите на русский язык:
They are for connecting the pipes.
They are used as components of ceramic.
Materials selected by the designer will give the most effectiveness.
This tubing material was specially produced for using under the sea water.
A number of improvements in plastics quality have been made.
Glass is not very satisfactory for use in plumbing.
There will be materials made of one polymer.
Steel and copper have become important tubing materials.
Steel will be introduced in this material to change its properties.
A good resistance to loads was offered by this material.
There are materials which are considered soft.
In the new material all the important properties were combined.
20. Укажите предложения со сказуемыми в страдательном залоге и переведите на русский язык:
It has not taken long years of training to produce a plumber.
Knowledge of engineering will enable the plumber to integrate the plan and the fitting.
Three basic factors were listed in the customer’s request.
No one of them will be thought of without considering the other two.
An adequate structure has been proposed for every pipe.
The building is built because of some definite human needs.
Such elements are letters in the structural alphabet.
Each of variations will be due to the effects of temperatures.
When the physical structure is being observed we are struck by the complexity of elements.
There have been all sorts of interiors for definite human activities.
That is the duration for which it was designed.
A particular purpose was for every building.
Text 9. Outlets and drains
ach of plumbing fixtures has one or more water outlets and a drain. In some cases, the drain has a device that can block the drain which fills the basin of the fixture. Each fixture also has a flood rim, or level, at which water will begin to overflow. Most fixtures also have an overflow, which is a conduit draining water away, before it actually overflows at the flood rim level. However, water closets and showers usually lack this feature because their drains normally cannot be stopped.
Each fixture usually has a characteristic means of connection. Normally plumbers install a valve on each water supply line before the fixture, and this is most commonly termed “a stop” or "a service valve". The water supply to some fixtures is cold water only (such as water closets and urinals). Most fixtures also have a hot water supply. In some occasional cases, a sink may have both a potable (drinkable) and a non-potable water supply.
avatories and water closets are normally connected to the water supply by means of a tube, usually of nominal 3/8 in or 10-12 mm diameter, which connects the water supply to the fixture, sometimes through a flexible hose. For water closets, this tube usually ends in a flat neoprene washer that tightens against the connection, while for lavatories, the supply usually ends in a conical neoprene washer. Kitchen sinks, tubs and showers usually have supply tubes built onto their valves which then are soldered or 'fast jointed directly onto the water supply pipes.
A. Укажите предложения со сказуемыми в страдательном залоге Passives, определите их время и переведите на русский язык:
Polypropylene is widely used for plumbing.
The waterways were designed by J.Toweles.
Reinforced ceramic is a strong material utilized in underground tubing.
Copper has been well known since ancient times.
Interior piping will be finished by occupants themselves.
Interior piping was looking magnificent.
The designer has already arrived to the site.
Our enterprise was producing plastics during the war period.
The designer today is helped by the lot of CAD programs.
The city grows and enlarges.
The designer made the edge T-shaped.
Our enterprise was founded for the chemical industry needs.
Our enterprise has been reorganized since then.
The designer will not be changing anything in the project.
The system will be destroyed.
B. Укажите предложения со сказуемыми в страдательном залоге Passives, определите их время и переведите на русский язык:
The foreman left the construction site.
The new equipment will be of great interest.
The new plumber is being much spoken about.
The excavation has been already dug.
Fitters are working on the third floor.
They will have finished their work by the weekend.
Water will be provided by Novogor.
The estimate had been calculated before the construction started.
The building is designed by the architect and is proportioned by the engineer.
Those are properties needed for the materials in plumbing.
External tubing was not protected with coats of paint.
Waterways are laid below the ground level.
прил сущ 2
x 1) пластиковые трубы
сущ 1 сущ 2
lastic pipes
сущ 2 сущ 1
2) трубы из пластика
21. Переведите на русский язык:
precast concrete products industry; batch mixer; precast reinforced-concrete pipe; pressure line; large storage areas; earth digging operations; site organization; railroad track; canal or river bed; maintenance cost.
22. Переведите на английский язык:
изделия из пластика; высокопроизводительный завод; обработка паром под высоким давлением; строительство сооружений; подготовка стройплощадки; колено U-образной формы; стальная водопроводная труба; уровень воды; автоматический спуск воды; практика водоснабжения; сложные условия проектирования системы вентиляции.
23. Переведите на русский язык:
change and survival co-existence; water treatment; interior space; old water systems heritage; underground tubing; uniform chemical reactions; ceramic usage revival; modern community building; sewer pipes; water measuring instruments.
24. Переведите на английский язык:
знания строительных материалов; изменения водопроницаемости и износостойкости; сложность элементов; стандартная форма; план системы водоотведения; центр плана; водопроводный сток; город с миллионом жителей; водоснабжение небоскребов; идеальная форма кухонной раковины.
ext 10. Trap
All plumbing fixtures have traps in their drains; these traps are either internal or external to the fixtures. Traps are pipes which curve down then back up; they 'trap' a small amount of water creating a water seal between the ambient air space and the inside of the drain system. This prevents sewer gas from entering buildings. Most water closets, bidets, and many urinals have the trap integral with the fixture itself. The visible water surface in a toilet is the top of the trap's water seal.
trap is a U-, S-, or J-shaped pipe located below or within a plumbing fixture. An S-shaped trap is also known as the S-bend invented by Alexander Cummings in 1775; but it became known as the U-bend following the introduction of the U-shaped trap by Thomas Crapper in 1880. The new U-bend could not jam, so, unlike the S-bend, it did not need an overflow. The most common of these traps in houses is referred to as a P-trap. It is the addition of a 90 degree fitting on the outlet side of a U-bend, thereby creating a P-like shape. It can also be referred to as a sink trap due to the fact it is installed under most house sinks.
Because of its shape, the trap retains a small amount of water after the fixture's use. This water in the trap creates a seal preventing sewer gas from passing from the drain pipes back into the occupied space of the building. Essentially all plumbing fixtures including sinks, bathtubs, and toilets must be equipped with either an internal or external trap. Because it is a localized low-point in the plumbing, sink traps also capture heavy objects (such as jewelry) that are inadvertently dropped into the sink. Traps also collect hair, sand, and other debris and limit the ultimate size of objects that will pass on into the rest of the plumbing, thereby catching over-sized objects. For all of these reasons, most traps can either be disassembled for cleaning or they provide some sort of cleanout feature.
А. Переведите на русский язык:
Carpenter city; home carpenter; windmill building; church construction; palace foundation; village people; architecture relics study; Novgorod architects’ works; fortress tower
Б. Переведите на русский язык:
Beams and girders arrangement; structure stability; floors and roof weight; brick wall; folk art origin; valuable works museum; estimate calculation; interior design; exterior finishing; house painter.
В. Переведите на русский язык:
Ferro-concrete framework; construction firmness; building construction work; ground level; framework erection; stone drains; building trade apprentice; multi-storey building; water providing; electricity providing.
Г. Переведите на русский язык:
Construction proportioning; building design; stone foundation; occupants’ needs; concrete panels; ferro-concrete units production; asbestos cement articles; special sorts output; oil and gas wells; high strength cement.
Д. Переведите на русский язык:
Water and heat treatment; large-scale panel construstion; steam chamber; roller conveyor; storage area; production process; weather resistance; asbestos fire-protection boards; X-ray test; hardness test.
1. Отрицательные
«Никакой», «ни один»
Перед сущ., заменяет артикли
Eg. We have
no problems with new materials delivery.
«Ни один из двух (названных)»
Вместо сущ.
Eg. Which will you prefer –
ordinary or white cement? –
None; we want colour cement for finishing the bathroom wall.
2. Неопределенные
«Какой-то», «какой-нибудь», «некоторый»
Перед сущ.; +
Eg. Some fitting
operations may be easily performed with the help of handtools.
«Какой-то», «какой-нибудь», «некоторый»
Перед сущ.; - , ?
Перед сущ., +
Eg. Do you know
any fitting
Eg. We can efficiently fulfill
any plumbing
Перед сущ.
Eg. Electric instruments are employed at
every step of fitting work.
Вместо сущ.
Перед сущ. – с артиклем the
Eg. We know
all about plumbing fixtures.
All the traps have been well proportioned.
По ситуации
Заменяет собой сущ., ближайшее слева
Eg. They have discussed all the
projects, the chosen
one is ours.
That of
Those of
По ситуации
Заменяет собой сущ., если за ним следует слово в Р.п. (с предлогом of).
Eg. The structure of the internal tubing is co-related with
that of the external one due to the same water flow speed.
3. Производные местоимения
+ when
+ how
+ one
+ body
+ thing
+ where
+ how
+ one
+ body
+ thing
+ where
+ one
+ body
+ thing
+ where
+ one
+ body
+ thing
+ where
Руководство, инструкция по применению