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Module Six. Unit 1 |
Ex. 2, p. 175 |
1 From 5 to 16. 2 They can also be educated at home. 3 There are state schools and private schools. 4 Financial assistance can be given by a school according to parents’ income. 5 There are county schools, voluntary schools, special schools and self-governing schools. 6 The “Reception Class” is what children attend at the age of 4. 7 It is divided into infant and junior school. 8 It can be done after the selection procedures. 9 The age set is 11. 10 A “vocational subject” is not compulsory; a student may choose it according to their likes to get particular skills. 11 GCSE examinations. 12 The students may choose to leave school or to continue studies. |
Ex. 7, p. 179 |
1f; 2e; 3a; 4i; 5c; 6g; 7h; 8b; 9d; |
Ex. 8, p. 179 |
1 public funds; 2 financial assistance; 3 compulsory/mandatory; 4 efficient; 5 vocational subjects; 6 income; 7 transition; 8 fail an exam; 9 stream pupils on abilities |
Ex. 9, p. 179-180 |
Education in Britain is compulsory for children from the age of 5. Many schools give quality education but the right for choice is given to parents either to send a child to a state school (free of charge) or to a private school which is for fees. If parents have made up their mind to send a child to a private school they are offered financial assistance according to their income. The usual age of going from primary to secondary school is 11 after passing exams. The results of the exams often help stream pupils on their abilities. In England and Wales pupils study the same subjects. They may also choose vocational subjects, for example, hairdressing or business studies. Unlike Russia a pupil automatically progresses to the next level and does not repeat the year even if he or she has failed his or her examinations. |
Ex. 11.A., p. 180-181 |
About 67% of British pupils choose studying (to study) after 16. Generally speaking, education after 16 is divided into further and higher education. Having taken the GCSE examination students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland can stay at school or study in a further education college. Students over the age of 16 can also take courses in further education colleges either part-time or in the evenings. Courses are organised by nearly 580 institutions of further education. In Britain, there are a number of ways to continue education after leaving secondary school at 16 or 18. Most post-school education is provided at universities, polytechnics, colleges of further or higher education, adult education centres or various specialised colleges. Institutions of higher education are responsible for giving high-quality education. Degree-level courses are offered by universities, polytechnics and other institutions of higher education. Entrance to such courses depends on the results of General Certificate of Education (GCSE) and Advanced Level (A level), and an interview. Students do not directly apply to the university they wish to attend, but apply through the Universities’ Central Council on Admissions (UCCA). Oxford and Cambridge Universities take part in UCCA but also have a system of entrance examinations and interviews by individual colleges. All students on a university first-degree course are automatically eligible for a grant, awarded by a student's Local Education Authority (LEA). The amount of the grant depends on the level of income of the student's family. Because entrance to a higher education is selective, the majority of students successfully complete their course, which usually lasts three years. Most first degrees are for Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc). A higher degree is a post-graduate degree taken after a first degree, for example Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Science (MSc ). Students may then go to research degrees such as Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). |
Ex. 12A, p. 181-182 |
1c; 2a; 3c; 4a; 5b; 6b; 7c; 8c; 9b; 10c; 11a; 12b; 13c; 14c |
Ex. 14.A., p. 182 |
The National Curriculum was introduced into England, Wales and Northern Ireland as a nationwide curriculum for primary and secondary state schools following the 1988 Education Reform Act. Notwithstanding its name, it does not apply to independent schools, which by definition are free to set their own curriculum, but it ensures that state schools of all Local Education Authorities have a common curriculum. The 1988 Education Reform Act requires that all state students be taught a Basic Curriculum of Religious Education and the National Curriculum. The purpose of the National Curriculum was to ensure that certain basic material was covered by all pupils. In subsequent years the curriculum grew to fill the entire teaching time of most state schools. There are two principal aims of the National Curriculum: Aim 1: The school curriculum should aim to provide opportunities for all pupils to learn and to achieve. Aim 2: The school curriculum should aim to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural growth and prepare all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. |
Ex. 15, p. 183 |
1h; 2i; 3a; 4f; 5g; 6b; 7c; 8d; 9k; 10j; |
Ex. 16.A., p. 184-185 |
1 singles; 2 budget; 3 athletic; 4 nourished; 5 catering; 6 courses; 7 available; 8 concerts; 9 busy; 10 available; 11 encourage; 12 remains; 13 convenient |
Unit 2 |
Ex. 2, p. 186-187 |
1с; 2c; 3b; 4b; 5c; 6a; 7b; 8b; 9c |
Ex. 7, p. 190 |
1e; 2c; 3f; 4d; 5a; 6g; 7b |
Ex. 8, p. 191 |
1 сheckup; 2 outpatient; 3 employees; 4 employers; 5 acupuncture; 6 voluntary; 7 inequality; |
Ex. 9, p. 191 |
1d; 2g; 3 – extra; 4c; 5f; 6e; 7b; 8a; |
Ex. 10, p. 191 |
Ex. 11.A., p. 192 |
Bubonic plague, or the “Black Death” has been known in England for centuries. It was a terrible disease. The victim’s skin turned black in patches and buboes on the body, combined with vomiting, swollen tongue and splitting headaches, made it a horrible, agonising killer. The plague started in the East, possibly in China, and quickly spread through Europe. Whole communities were wiped out and corpses lay in the streets as there was no one left to bury them. It began in London in the poor, overcrowded parish of St. Giles-in-the-Field. It started slowly at first in May, but by the August of 1665, 31,159 people had died. All in all, 15% of the population was lost during that terrible summer. The incubation period took only four to six days and when the plague appeared in a household, the house was sealed, condemning the whole family to death. Such houses were distinguished by a painted red cross on the door and the words, "Lord have mercy on us". At night the corpses were brought out, put in a cart and taken away to the plague pits. King Charles II and his Court left London and fled to Oxford. Those people who could, sent their families away from London during these months, but the poor had to stay. The plague spread to many parts of England. York was one of the cities badly affected. The plague victims were buried outside the city walls and it is said that they have never been disturbed since then, as a precaution against a revival of the dreaded disease. The plague lasted in London until the late Autumn when the colder weather helped kill off the fleas that had passed/were passing the disease to cities, towns and villages. |
Ex. 12, p. 193 |
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