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Exercise 11. Put the facts from Michael Phelps’s career in right order. 1. He won eight gold medals in Beijing. 2. He became the first swimmer in history to break five individual world records at one meet. 3. He placed fifth in the 200-meter butterfly and became the youngest male to compete in the games since 1932. Exercise 12. Find information on a sport celebrity. Speak on your favourite sport celebrity. Unit 7 Sports Facilities and Equipment ![]() Before reading Look at the pictures and answer the following questions: 1. Can you name the sports facilities in the pictures? 2. Do you know what sports are practiced there? ![]() Sports Venues A playing field is a field used for playing sports or games. They are generally outdoors, but many large structures exist to enclose playing fields from bad weather. Generally, playing fields are wide expanses of grass, dirt or sand without many obstructions. There is a variety of different commonly used fields, including: American football field, Association football (soccer) pitch (field), Australian rules football playing field, Baseball field, Cricket field containing the cricket pitch, Lacrosse field, Rugby league playing field (pitch or paddock), Rugby union playing field (pitch or paddock). In other sports, the field of play is called a «court»: basketball court, tennis court, volleyball court. Some sports take place on the outdoor or indoor tracks, for example cycling. A shooting range or firing range is a specialized facility designed for firearms practice. A hippodrome was a Greek stadium for horse racing and chariot racing. Some present-day horse racing tracks are also called hippodromes, for example the Central Moscow Hippodrome. Water sports are held in swimming pools. As for winter sports there is also a wide variety of sports venues. Some sporting events are held on different types of rinks (speed skating, ice hockey, curling), tracks (luge, skeleton, bobsleigh) or on the natural terrain – smooth or bumpy (mogul, skiing, snowboarding etc.). An ice hockey rink is an ice rink that is specifically designed for ice hockey, a team sport. Rink, a Scottish word meaning «course», was used as the name of a place where another game, curling, was played. Early in its history, ice hockey was played mostly on rinks constructed for curling. The name was retained after hockey-specific facilities were built. As for tracks there are a total of sixteen tracks in the world, in use for competitions in bobsleigh, luge, and skeleton. All of the tracks except St. Moritz, Switzerland, which is naturally refrigerated, are constructed of reinforced concrete and piped with ammonia refrigeration to cool the track down prior to its run. Sport venue [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Sport_venue Topical Vocabulary
EXERCISES Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words: soccer [ˈsɔkə], league [liːg], structure [ˈstrʌkʧə], weather [ˈweðə], court [kɔːt], hippodrome [ˈhɪpədrəum], stadium [ˈsteɪdjəm], course [kɔ:s]. Exercise 2. Find the correct pronunciation of these words in the dictionary, read and translate them into Russian: luge, bobsleigh, cycling, curling, mogul, skiing, rugby, horse racing, chariot racing. Exercise 3. Match the words with the opposite meaning: a) wide, bumpy, team, enclose, reinforce, indoor. b) outdoor, weaken, narrow, smooth, individual, free. Exercise 4. Match the words with the similar meaning: a) venue, retain, refrigerate, facility, firearm, total. b) freeze, equipment, gun, general, playground, save. Exercise 5. Read and translate the text «Sports Venues» consulting the topical vocabulary. Find in the text the information about: a) sports venues for winter sports; b) playing fields in general; c) sports venues for firearms practice. Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
1. Playing fields are generally outdoors, but many large structures exist to … playing fields from bad weather. 2. Some sporting events are held on different types of …, tracks or on the natural … . 3. Playing fields are wide … of grass, dirt or sand without many … 4. All of the tracks except St. Moritz, Switzerland are constructed of reinforced … and piped with ammonia refrigeration to cool the track down … its run. 5. The name was … after hockey-specific facilities were built. 6. As for winter sports there is also a wide variety of sports … . Exercise 7. Read the text «Sports Venues» and answer the following questions. 1. Why are some playing fields built indoors? 2. What surfaces are used for playing fields? 3. Which types of playing fields are mentioned in the text? 4. What venues are winter sports held on? Exercise 8. There are some names of special places for practicing sport and playing games. Match the sport with the location.
Put your answers in this table:
Exercise 9. Guess what sports and games are described here.
Put your answers in this table:
Exercise 10. Name things you can do with a ball:
Exercise 11. Read and translate the following article into Russian with the help of a dictionary. Entitle the article and express its main idea in several sentences. We study at the Lesgaft State University of Physical Education. The students of our University take up different kinds of sports. They train in different places: gymnasts – in the gymnasium, basketball, volleyball and handball players – on the indoor and outdoor sports grounds or in sports halls, tennis players – on the tennis courts, track-and-field athletes usually train on the stadiums in the open air. Three times a week we have special training lessons. As a rule, each training lasts about 3 hours. Every training session begins with a warming-up period which lasts about 20 minutes. It consists of slow running for about a half mile, then fast running for about a quarter mile. Next, the sportsmen do a few exercises which depend on their event. After the warming-up we rest for about 5 minutes before we start practising. The warm-up of the body is very important. It helps to prevent pulled muscles. We train according to the trainer's instructions. The coach enjoys athletes' perfecting their skills. He or she pays great attention to mastering technique, tactics and the main elements of sports. Sometimes we train with a team or a partner. We perform different exercises and get ready for contests. Exercise 12. Write your composition «My Training» (120–50 words) using the questions (box 1) and the linking expressions (box 2): Box 1: Questions:
Box 2: Linking expressions:
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