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TEXT B. Basic principles of crop production All crops require nutrients and water to grow. Soil supplies most of the nutrients. It also stores the water that the crops need. Crops differ, however, in the amount of nutrients and water they require for healthy growth. A farmer must therefore make sure that the soil and water resources meet the needs of each crop. A farmer must also plan measures to control pests, which could damage or ruin a crop. Most farmers plan their methods of soil and water management and of pest control well in advance of the growing season. Soil management. Soil consists chiefly of mineral particles mixed with decaying organic matter. Chemical reactions involving these substances produce most of the nutrients that crops need. To be fertile, therefore, soil must consist of the right mixture of minerals, organic matter, and helpful microbes. It must also have the proper amounts of air and water. After deciding which crops to grow, farmers analyze their soil to learn if any nutrients are insufficient or lacking. To get an accurate analysis, most farmers send samples of the soil to a soil-testing laboratory. The test results help farmers plan a scientific fertilizer program for their crops. The richest soil lies at and just below the surface. If this topsoil is not protected, it may be blown away by strong winds or washed away by heavy rains- a process called erosion. Effective soil management therefore also includes methods of soil conservation. Water management. Crops cannot grow without water. Inmost cases, farmers rely entirely on rainfall for the necessary moisture. In extreme dry areas, however, farmers must irrigate their crops. Many farms often have too much water rather than too little. The problem is greatest on low- lying land and on land crossed by streams or rivers. Fields that tend to collect water must have a drainage system. Pest control. Agronomists use the word «pests» in referring to weeds, plant diseases, and insects that threaten crops. Most farmers control pests with chemicals called pesticides. Scientists have developed hundreds of pesticides for use on farms. Each one is designed to fight certain of weeds, plant diseases, or harmful insects. All pesticides must be with extreme care. If they are used improperly, they may pollute the environment or the food supply and so endanger people’s health. Farmers also use other methods of pest control in addition to pesticides. For example, turning the soil with a plough or mechanical cultivator kills most weeds. However, special pesticides called herbicides control weeds more thoroughly than does soil turning. Some herbicides remain active in the soil for some time ant so kill weed seedlings as develop. Plant scientists have developed varieties of corn, wheat, and other crops that are more resistant to diseases and insects than were earlier varieties.
I семестр
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III семестр
Материалы (примерные задания) к экзамену: Устная часть экзамена:
Письменная часть экзамена:
Basic stages of crop production Crop farming involves at least five separate operations: preparing the soil, planting, cultivating, harvesting, and processing and storage. Modern farm equipment can perform each of these operations easily and quickly. Preparing the soil. The main purpose of soil preparation is to make a seedbed- that is, an area of soil in which seeds can be planted and in which they will sprout, take root, and grow. Most farmers make the seedbed by a process called tillage. Tillage involves digging into the soil and mixing it. Tillage loosens the soil, kills weeds, and improves the circulation of the water and air in the soil. The Chief tillage devices are ploughs. At ploughing time, most farm fields are scattered with dead stalk, leaves, and other plant wasters from the preceding crop. Other field may have a cover crop, such as alfalfa or grass. Plant wasted and cover crops help protect soil from erosion. They also enrich the soil with nutrients if they are ploughed under. Soil that has been completely turned over in ploughing often remains stuck together in chunks. Most farmers, therefore, also use a device called a harrow. A harrow has sharp teeth or disks that break the chunks of soil into smaller pieces. Many farmers attach a harrow to the back of a plough. Farmers may add fertilizer to the soil during and harrowing. Planting. Nearly all the field crops grown on the farms are planted by machines called planters or drills. These machines cut furrows( narrow grooves) in the soil, drop seeds into each furrow, and cover the seeds with soil- all in one operation. Some fertilizers and pesticides are applied to the soil during planting. Equipment to distribute the chemicals may be attached to the seed drill. Cultivating. Herbicides applied before or during planting kill many kinds of weeds, but not all. Some weeds may develop with the crops. Farmers control such weeds with cultivators. These device stir the soil between rows and so uproot and bury any weeds. Harvesting. Farmers harvest their field crops with machines. They use combines to harvest most grain and seed crops, including barley, corn, rice, soybeans, and wheat. A combine performs several tasks. First, it cuts the plant stalks. Then, it threshes the cuttings-that is, separates the grain or seeds from the straw and other residues. The combine returns the residues to the ground and collects the grain or seeds in a tank or bin. Some farmers harvest corn with special machines. The machines pick the ears from the stalks but do not remove the grain from the ears. Special machines are also used to harvest other field crops, including peanuts, potatoes, and sugar beets. Some machines mow such crops as alfalfa and clover. The mowed crops are left on the ground, where they dry and become hay. Machines called hay balers gather the hay and bind it into bales. Processing and storage. Crops raised to supply food human beings are called food crops. Many food crops tend to spoil quickly, and so farmers ship these crops to market as soon as possible after harvesting. Food grains, however, can be stored for months on farms that have the proper facilities. Before grain is stored, it must be dried. Most farms that store large amounts of grain have grain-drying equipment and large storage bins. Crops raised to supply feed for livestock are called feed crops. Hay, silage, soybeans, and such grains as corn and sorghum are the principal feed crops. Corn, wheat, and soybeans are used for both food and livestock feed. Hay must be kept dry until it is used, and so it is usually stored in barns. Unlike hay, silage must be kept moist. Most farmers store it in airtight structures called silos. The importance of plant protection and pest control measures A decisive factor for securing yields is the protection of agricultural crops. Day by day cultivated plants and supplies in store rooms are threatened by thousands of pests and disease pathogens. Every year millions of tons of produce are lost and plants and animals retarded in growth and development or the products derived from these organisms are affected both quantitatively and qualitatively. Control of these pests and disease pathogens must become the greatest task for all scientists, technical engineers and farmers responsible for the production of agricultural products. What is meant by a pest or disease pathogen? They are animal or plant organisms which damage either cultivated plants or the products derived there from. They directly or indirectly influence the health of man and domestic and useful animals. Bacteria as Disease Pathogens. Bacteria, unlike higher organisms, consist of a single cell only. Some of the bacteria possess thread-like appendices, so-called cilia, for purpose of locomotion. These cilia are fixed either at one end of the cell or are arranged over the whole surface of the cell. The size of the cells is microscopic, the pathogen thus being visible with the aid of a microscope only. Bacteria multiply by simple fission. Bacterial diseases, so-called bacteriosis, are usually caused by the penetration of bacteria into injured plant parts. By excreting certain chemical agents bacteria break up cell unions, loosen them or kill part of the cells. This is followed by decay of plants, the infected plant tissue turning into a soft pulpy mass. Such disease symptoms are termed “wet rot”. Some bacteria penetrate deeper into the tissue reaching the water ducts within the plant and plant vessels and destroy this tissue. This leads to blocking of the vascular system. The exhibited disease symptoms known s “vessel bacteriosis”, lead to an interruptions of the sap flow within the plant, followed by wilting and death. The infection of the plants with bacteria primarily takes place at plant wounds. Insects also act as carriers of bacteria. 2. Личное или деловое письмо. Напишите CURRICULUM VITAE (chronological British) по образцу: PERSONAL DETAILS Name: Marital status: (single/ married… children) Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Nationality: Address: Telephone: (office/ home) Fax: E-mail: Languages: Russian (native), Finnish (fluent), English (spoken only), French (written only). EDUCATION …. secondary school, Turku, Finland Studies at the University of Turku, 1983-1985 Candidate in Philosophy / Social Sciences (Master’s degree), University of Helsinki, 1984. «ЭКОНОМИЧЕКАЯ ТЕОРИЯ» Тесты: 1. Трансфертные платежи - это: а) выплаты домашним хозяйствам, не обусловленные представлением с их стороны товаров и услуг; б) только выплаты правительством отдельным индивидуумам; в) компонент дохода, который не включается в национальный доход; г) все перечисленное в пунктах а), б), в); д) все ответы неверны. 2. Инфляция может быть связана: а) только с ростом ВНП; б) с ростом или падением ВНП в зависимости от источника ее развития; в) только с падением ВНП; г) с ростом ВНП? если экономика развивается, в условиях полной занятости; д) все ответы неверны. 3. Кривая совокупного спроса повышается, если: а) падает уровень цен; б) растет уровень цен; в) увеличиваются избыточные производственные мощности; г) снижается валютный курс национальной денежной единицы; д) все ответы верны, 4. Что из перечисленного ниже не является общественным благом? а) электроэнергия; г) оборона страны; б) маяки; д) защита от наводнений. в) полиция; 5. Налог на ДС относится к: а) прогрессивным подоходным налогам; б) потоварным налогам; в) налогам на имущество; г) налогам на доход корпораций; д) налогам на наследство. Тесты: I вариант 1. Совокупный продукт — это: а) отношение объема производства к использованному объему ресурсов; б) прирост производству результате увеличения переменного ресурса на единицу; в) отношение прироста производства к приросту временного ресурса; г) общий объем производства фирмы. 2. По мере увеличения вложений переменного ресурса средний продукт: а) сначала сокращается, затем возрастает; б) сначала возрастает, затем сокращается; в) увеличивается возрастающими темпами; г) убывает возрастающими темпами. 3. Предельный продукт — это: а) максимально возможное количество продукции, которое может произвести предприятие; б) дополнительный продукт, получаемый при дополнительных вложениях ресурсов; в) дополнительный продукт, получаемый при увеличении вложений одного вида ресурсов на единицу и при неизменности других ресурсов; г) отношение общего объема производства к величине вложений переменного ресурса. 4. Производственная функция показывает а) возможность увеличения производства одного продукта при сокращении другого; б) возможный объем производства двух продуктов при полном использовании имеющихся ресурсов; в) максимальный выпуск продукции, который может быть достигнут при использовании данного объема ресурсов; г) количество возможных комбинаций выпуска двух видов товаров. 5. Изокванта характеризует: а) расход производственных факторов; б) комбинацию минимальных издержек; в) возможности взаимозаменяемости факторов производства; г) результат взаимодействия факторов производства. 6. Внешние издержки — это а) упущенные доходы, которые мог бы получить собственник при альтернативном использовании собственных ресурсов; б) платежи, которые обеспечивают использование чужих ресурсов в данном производстве; в) доходы внешних по отношению к данному предприятию поставщиков ресурсов; г) издержки на собственный и самостоятельный используемый ресурс. 7. Внутренние издержки производства — это: а) затраты, изменяющиеся с изменением объема производства; б) стоимость затраченных ресурсов, являющихся собственностью фирмы; в) бухгалтерские издержки производства; г) неденежные, неявные издержки производства. 8. Нормальная прибыль — это часть: а) экономической прибыли; б) внешних издержек производства; в) внутренних издержек производства; г) цены товара. 9. Экономическая прибыль: а) больше бухгалтерской прибыли; б) равна бухгалтерской прибыли; в) меньше бухгалтерской прибыли; г) равна разности между выручкой от реализации и экономическими издержками производства. 10. Понятие постоянных издержек производства применимо: а) только для краткосрочного периода; б) только в для долгосрочного периода; в) только для рынка совершенной конкуренции! г) и для краткосрочного, и для долгосрочного периодов. 11. Кривая совокупных издержек производства: а) имеет вид горизонтальной линии; б) выражает прямую зависимость между объемом производства и величиной совокупных издержек производства; в) выражают обратную зависимость между объемом производства и величиной совокупных издержек производства; г) имеет вид параболы. |
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