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VII. Give the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations: немного об истории, надежный–длительного пользования, драгоценный метал, товар-предмет потребления, служили в качестве денег, ювелир, в разные времена, крупный рогатый скот, мех, рыба, табак, выше указанный, качество-свойство, замещать, серебро и золото, резать (метал) на куски, цена-стоимость, взвешивать (метал), возникнуть-появиться VIII. Say what is true and what is false. Correct the false sentences: 1. Many different commodities have served as money at different periods of time 2. Commodities were superseded by precious metals 3. Paper money first came into use in the 19-th century 4. Small denomination coins are not made from bronze or copper 5. Bigger denomination coins are made from cupronickel and are usually called silver IX. Complete the sentences with the words given below: 1. Many different commodities have … … … . 2. A commodity should be fairly … … … . 3. First they were superseded by … … … . 4. When a payment was made the … was first weighed out. 5. But later … … of limited value were issued. a. silver and later by gold b. token coins c. metal d. durable, easily divisible and portable e. served as money X. Put prepositions where necessary. (see appendix – reference section) 1. ….. different periods ….. time and ….. different parts ….. the world different commodities have served as money. 2. Later they were superseded ….. precious metals. 3. When a payment was made the metal was first weighed ….. . 4. The next stage was the cutting ….. the metal ….. pieces ….. definite weight. 5. Paper money first came ….. use ….. the form ….. receipts given ….. by goldsmiths ….. exchange ….. deposits ….. silver and gold coins. XI. Make your own sentences using the following prompts: a) 1. to serve as smth/smb 2. glimpses of history 3. precious metal 4. to come into existence 5. to be worth face value Sum up what the text says about: b) The money in the past The way banknotes appeared The metals of which coins were and are made The silver coins and coppers XII. Answer the following questions: 1. What are the requirements of a commodity to serve as money? 2. What coins are called silver? 3. What are smaller denomination coins made from? 4. Why was the metal first weighed out? 5. What are bigger denominaton coins made from? Unit V History of Russian money Pretext Tasks I Vocabulary list: 1. mint чеканить 2. to convert to Christianity обращать в христианство 3. Grand Duke великий князь 4. depiction изображение 5. to lag (behind) отставать 6. tenure in office пребывание в должности 7. convertible конвертируемый 8. revive возрождать 9. legal tender законное платёжное средство 10. currency деньги, валюта 11. monetary system денежная система 12. emergency появление, выход 13. anachronism анахронизм (устарелый, пережиток старины) 14. drastic changes коренные изменения 15. backed … (by) поддерживать, субсидировать 16. to set up основывать, учреждать, открывать 17. to bring into calculation (coins) ввести в обращение 18. principal monetary unit главная (основная) денежная единица 19. emission rates эмиссионная ставка 20. age – old gap отставание (разрыв, глубокое расхождение во взглядах) 21. resume возобновлять 22. to integrate интегрировать, объединять 23. accounting бухучёт 24. international currency международная валюта 25. to bring into circulation ввести в обращение II Give the Russian equivalents to the following English phrases: gold and silver coins, coins were minted, converted to Christianity, “coinless” period, Russian monetary system, national accounting, present – day rouble, with a depiction, more convenient, various denominations, handmade money, to integrate into, global financial system, monetary system, legal tender III Give the English equivalents to the following Russian word combinations: деньги/ валюта, денежная система, ввести в обращение, главная (основная) денежная единица, законное платёжное средство, изображение, конвертируемый, обращать в христианство, великий князь, отставание, возобновлять, коренные изменения, международная валюта, денежная система России IV Read and translate the following words and word combinations without dictionary: monetary system, Russian coins, KievanRus, Grand Duke, kopye, Emblem, rouble, symbol, reform, centralized Russian state, type, denomination, financial minister, monetary economy, metal, banknote, reserves, emission rates, Peter the Great, integrate, age-old gap, Global financial system, convertible, inflation, international currency V History of Russian money Read and translate the text Find the sentences in the text where are told about: а) The gold and silver coins of KievanRus were first made under Grand Duke Vladimir Sviatoslavich b) The chief currency unit was the silver kopeck with a depiction of a horseman with a lance (kopye in Russian), which was Russia’s emblem and the symbol of grand-ducal power c) The reform of finance minister Count Kankrin (1839-1843) was the first step towards turning paper banknotes into money The first Russian coins were minted when Russia was converted to Christianity. The gold and silver coins of KievanRus were first made under Grand Duke Vladimir Sviatoslavich in the late 10th – early 11th century. After a long “coinless” period, minting was resumed in the 1380s, under Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy of Muskovy. The Russian monetary system, which laid the foundation’s of national accounting and even the present – day rouble, took shape in the early 16th century. Then, the chief currency unit was the silver kopeck with a depiction of a horseman with a lance (kopye in Russian), which was Russia`s emblem and the symbol of grand-ducal power. The kopeck`s emergence is connected with the 1535-1538 reform of Yelena Glinskaya, who managed to create a single monetary system for the centralized Russian state, with the rouble containing 100 kopecks. But by the 17th century, the Russian monetary system, based on just one type of coin, the one-kopeck piece, became something of an anachronism, lagging behind the more convenient European arrangement. Peter the Great brought into circulation coins of various denominations: one-rouble, fifty-kopeck, ten-kopeck, and other coins. The drastic change also involved the minting metal, with gold and copper coins being produced in addition to the traditional silver pieces, and machine-minted coins taking the places of the hand-made ones. The reform of finance minister Count Kankrin (1839 – 1843) was the first step towards turning paper banknotes into money backed by precious metal reserves. The silver rouble was recognized as the principal monetary unit. During finance minister Sergei Witte`s tenure in office, paper banknotes were backed by gold reserves worth 1,5 billion roubles, and a new monetary economy was set up on the basis of scientifically computed paper money emission rates. Thanks to Witte`s reform, Russia finally managed to close the age-old gap between itself and Europe and to integrate into the global financial system. The rouble became convertible. In the post – 1917 period the first paper banknotes of Soviet Russia were issued. The monstrous hyperinflation of the first years of Soviet power went down once the New Economic Policy was in place and the gold reserves in the country rebuilt. The chervonets, as the new unit equivalent to 10 pre-revolutionary roubles was known, helped revive the Russian monetary system founded by Witte. It stayed in circulation until 1928. With the first 5-year plan in operation, when the Government resumed its practice of high emission rates, inflation returned and the Soviet rouble became an exclusively domestic legal tender. Now the Russian rouble has become an international currency. After text exercises VI Complete the sentences according to the text: 1) The first Russian coins were minted when… 2) In the 16th century chief currency unit was the silver kopeck with a… 3) Peter the Great brought into circulation… 4) Thanks to Wiitte`s reform, Russia finally managed to close the… 5) In the post 1917 period the first paper… VII. Find sentences with the Passive Voice and translate them. (see appendix – reference section) 1) The first Russian coins were minted when Russia was converted to Christianity. 2) Certified accountants in England are called chartered accountants. 3) Peter the Great brought into circulation coins of different denominations. 4) The chief currency unit was the silver kopeck. 5) In the post – 1917 period the first paper banknotes of Soviet Russia were issued VIII Match a word from A column with a word from B column to make a word combination. A B 1. Coinless 1. Coins 2. Kievan 2. Of finance 3. Russian 3. Witte`s reform 4. Reform 4. Banknotes 5. Thanks to 5. Rus 6. Paper 6. Period 7. International 7. Currency IX Complete the sentences with the words given below 1) The Russian ……laid the foundation of national accounting 2) The chief currency unit was the…… . 3) After a long……period minting was resumed in 1380s 4) The rouble became…… . 5) In the……the first paper banknotes of soviet Russia were issued post – 1917 period; silver kopeck; monetary system; convertible; coinless. X Translate the following sentences: 1) Peter the Great brought into circulation coins of various denominations. 2) The chief currency unit was the silver kopeck with a depiction of a horseman with a lance (kopye). 3) The reform of finance minister Count Kankrin (1839 – 1843) was the first step towards turning paper banknotes into money. 4) Thanks to Witte`s reform, Russia finally managed to close the age-old gap between itself and Europe. 5) In the post – 1917 period the first paper banknotes of Soviet Russia were issued. XI Answer the following questions 1) When were the first Russian coins minted? 2) Whose reforms is the kopeck`s emergence connected with? 3) Who brought into circulation the coins of various denominations? 4) What can you say about Count Kankrin`s Reform? 5) Who set up a new monetary system in Russia? Unit VI Moscow Narodny Bank Pretext Tasks I.Vocabulary list:
II. Translate the following words or word combinations without the dictionary. financial position, market management, licensed bank, qualified specialist, market economy, finance, region, project, export, banks, business in Russia, central bank, authorized, financial services, Russian-owned, Europen banks, offshore, advisory services. III. Give the English equivalents to the following Russian phrases. финансовые организации, банковское дело, лицензированный банк, центральный банк финансовые услуги, регулируется банком Англии, Московский народный банк, банк корреспондент, зарубежные (оффшорные) представители, главное управление, финансирование торговли, торговые банки, восточная Европа, сеть банков. IV. Give the Russian equivalents to the following: Russian – owned bank, the offshore representative, UK – licensed bank, trade finance, European bank, financial institution, trade and finance window, market economy, customers of bank, to provide, financial services, network of bank, to facilitate business in Russia, to be fully authorized, trade finance, to project, advisory services, to specialize in import-export operations, foreign exchange. V. Moscow Narodny Bank Read and translate the text: Find the answers in the text.
Moscow Narodny Bank is a Russian-owned, UK-licensed bank. MNB is a very traditional type of bank. MNB was established in London in 1919. It became the offshore representative of the Soviet government after the Bolshevik revolution in 1917. For years it was the foreign exchange and trade finance window for the Soviet government. Other eastern European banks also have long established London operations. But other have moved in since the transition to a market economy began in central and eastern Europe. It is now a financial institution headquartered in London, owned by the Russian central bank but regulated by the Bank of England. MNB employs about 200 people. So far, MNB is the only Russian bank to have a full UK banking license. The customers of MNB are mostly state institutions that specialize in import-export operations. But its principal clients today are the 300 major Russian banks, to which it provides financial services using its vast network of correspondent banks. MNB is also big participant in project finance connected with capital project in Russia. This year, MNB has found itself returning to its roots. It has set up a new Russian bank. Mosnarbank, specifically to facilitate business in Russia and CIS. MNB says Mosnarbank is the first UK bank to be fully authorized to do business in the region by both the Russian Central Bank and the Bank of England. Mosnarbank will specialize in the treasury, trade finance and project advisory services. |
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